Official MythBusters "PLANE on a CONVEYOR" episode PARTY!!! (12/12/07 @ 8pm)


concede, it just doesnt make any sense…like i said put a plane on stands, let the engines do their work, and see if it lifts off…


indeed :clap:

put the plane on stands and see if it lifts off

we now have a reason and a new date!!!

I have just received an email from Dan Tapster, executive producer of MythBusters.

Thanks to all the activity, he can’t log in and asked me to post this for him.
“Adam? Jamie? Dan? Someone step up and tell us what happened tonight.”

Dear all,

As wbarnhill called out, I thought I should step in to what is rapidly becoming a hornet’s nest. I will try to calm things down but I don’t hold out much hope!

First up, for those concerned that this story has been cancelled, don’t worry, planes on a conveyer belt has been filmed, is spectacular, and will be part of what us Mythbusters refer to as ‘episode 97’. Currently that is due to air on January 30th.

Secondly, for those very aggrieved fans feeling “duped” into watching tonight’s show, I can only apologise. I’m not sure why the listings / internet advertised that tonight’s show contained POCB. I will endeavour to find out an answer but for those conspiracy theorists amongst you, I can assure you that it will have just been an honest mistake. At one point
several months ago, POCB was going to be part of Airplane Hour. Somewhere, someone has mistakenly posted the wrong listing.
It will have been a genuine mistake but nonetheless it was a mistake which is unacceptable. As said I will try to find out what went wrong and hope that you will see fit to forgive the team at Discovery.

Thanks in advance,

And with that, the entire board is going “READ ONLY” until I can clean up the mess.






wooo for discovery having to LOCK the whole forum lol

I was just pissed they were out of Magic Hat #9… fuck the plane.

Second meet for the actual date?


concede, it just doesnt make any sense…like i said put a plane on stands, let the engines do their work, and see if it lifts off…


you’re being an idiot… put a plane on ice and see it take off… its wheels on essentially a frictionless surface… watch the you tube video… the plane will eventually build the speed up to take off… why they dont use treadmills on an aircraft… well you’re being dumb again… i never said it will aid in shortening the runway… i strictly said the plane will take off given enough space…

NEVER DID THE EXPERIMENT SAY SPEED OVER GROUND = ZERO… (as i misread the original experiment)… the plane will gain momentum with time and take off…

you lose… wanna bet?

so the plan didnt take off right?

edit. i hope this makes the news

hahhahah they had to lock the entire forum, im suprised the internet still exists

i’m an idiot, because frictionless wheels = plane staying in a stationary position? if its on ice of course its going to take of, its moving, therefore creating wind on the wings

willybeen = epic fail on that post


the plane will gain momentum with time and take off…




so the plan didnt take off right?


It was not in the episode, they did not even do the myth at all. No YES, No NO, No Plane, No Treadmill. FUCK FUCK GAY.




watch the video. yes. dot.

yeah they say it will come end of january.

I don’t even see how this fuggin question makes any sense anymore. Once the plane starts to move forward, and it WILL move forward due to it’s profuckinpulsion, the plane and treadmill speeds won’t match, so it’s fuggin impossible to have a fuggin treadmill and a fuggin plane going the same opposite speed.

That video up above is a good try, but the plane and treadmill speeds don’t match. They never will. Balsphemy.


wooo for discovery having to LOCK the whole forum lol


Link to forum? I want to join.

momentum = mass X velocity

Velocity = distance/time

get it straight willybeen the plane isnt moving so the distance traveled is 0. 0/ any number is 0 and mass x 0 is 0. so it actually doenst have momentum.

and besides its not forward momentum that lifts a plane, its wind.


Link to forum? I want to join.



momentum = mass X velocity

Velocity = distance/time

get it straight willybeen the plane isnt moving so the distance traveled is 0. 0/ any number is 0 and mass x 0 is 0. so it actually doenst have momentum.

and besides its not forward momentum that lifts a plane, its wind.


But the plane is moving forword, how did you miss that.


That video up above is a good try, but the plane and treadmill speeds don’t match. They never will. Balsphemy.


doesnt matter, just run the treadmill faster then the plane can move, do it from the very start, point proven

plane leaves runway @ 5mph
run treadmill at 10mph
taxi plane forward and lift off