Official MythBusters "PLANE on a CONVEYOR" episode PARTY!!! (12/12/07 @ 8pm)




surely you can’t be real…






surely you can’t be real…


We’ll just ignore the fact that he joined one month after you…

^^ funny YOU should say that

edit: ment for 943kgt


fucking wow


i’m not talking about the video, that thing means dick, it has a string that holds the plane who knows how high. the equations i’m posting are for a theoretical experiment that if this plane isnt moving there is no momentum regardless if the wheels are turning

If for nothing else, you should all admit that Youtube video is meaningless.


if this plane isnt moving there is no momentum regardless if the wheels are turning


Spot on. I don’t understand how so many people can’t see this won’t work.

I’m going to bed. I already went through this for thousands of pages on NASIOC.

Have a good time banging your heads into a brick wall.

These are all just words until Jan. 30.

dude… we could set it up on ur treadmill with a plane… and it would move forward… and would you be in belief now…?


i’m not talking about the video, that thing means dick, it has a string that holds the plane who knows how high. the equations i’m posting are for a theoretical experiment that if this plane isnt moving there is no momentum regardless if the wheels are turning


reread the problem

problem states the plne moves forward

this is what happens in reality

plane starts to taxi
plane moves forward @ 1mph, this takes, say 10 pounds of thrust
runway rolls backwards at 1mph
wheels see a combined total of 2mph
resistance of the wheels cause 1 pound of rollling resistance
9 pounds of thrust left, plane still movig forward at 1mph (in relation to the grass / trees / parking lot, not the conveyor belt)

plane accels to 2mph, 20 pounds of thrust used
runway rolls backwards at 2mph
wheels see a combined total of 4mph
resistance of the wheels now cause 2 pounds of rollling resistance
18 pounds of thrust left, plane still movig forward at 2mph(in relation to the grass / trees / parking lot, not the conveyor belt)

plane accels to 4mph, 40 pounds of thrust used
runway rolls backwards at 4mph
wheels see a combined total of 8mph
resistance of the wheels now cause 4 pounds of rollling resistance
36 pounds of thrust left, plane still movig forward at 4mph(in relation to the grass / trees / parking lot, not the conveyor belt)

so lets say:
engine / prop generates max of X pounds of thrust
plane needs Y pounds of thrust to attain lift off speed
wheel drag causes Z pounds of resistance

the only way the plane wont take off is if: x-z<y





the irony in you saying that to me…

its the amount of thrust, not lift, that will make this plane LIFT OFF? is essentially what ur saying right?

thrust moves the plane forward, lift is a result of this … just like it is for any other plane on a normal runway


hmm thrust generates lift? according to nasa lift is created by a flow of air, and judging by the animations on the bottom, it doesnt appear to be coming from thrusters or a prop…




Everyone seems to be forgetting that the Mythbuster’s experiment involves the treadmill equaling the plane’s takeoff speed.



the wheels can be spinning negative eleventybilliontrillion pineapples/hour (it’s completely irrelevant), and the plane will still claw its way forward via the engines, which have nothing to do with the ground.

What’s stopping the plane from moving??? Spinning wheels?? NO, NOTHING IS STOPPING THE PLANE FROM MOVING!!! The plane will MOVE FORWARD the same as it would if it were on a stationary runway.

Goddamnit, I told myself I wouldn’t ever get involved in this shit, but 943kgt and SI01 make me want to gouge my brain out with a spoon.



hmm thrust generates lift? according to nasa lift is created by a flow of air

my old image about this

tie a rope to the tail of the plane, loop it around a pulley thats on a post behind the runway, glue other end of rope to the conveyor belt

plane powers up, moves forward

runway rolls backwards but this doesnt stop the plane for continueing to roll forward … and foward travel will = forward FLIGHT

fuck…whatever… i had a good time tonight.

Except kevin throwing 3 knives at me. I didn’t enjoy that too much.


hmm thrust generates lift? according to nasa lift is created by a flow of air




and judging by the animations on the bottom, it doesnt appear to be coming from thrusters or a prop…oh and look theres even a graph that if you slow it down to 0 mph, shows 0 lift…





quite the comeback


hmm thrust generates lift? according to nasa lift is created by a flow of air, and judging by the animations on the bottom, it doesnt appear to be coming from thrusters or a prop…


OMG are you fuckin stupid!!! no shit lift is created by airflow, thrust creates the air flow by pushing the plane forward which causes wind which causes lift

thrust moves the plane -> wind is created when plane moves -> lift is there fore created -> plane takes off with the wheels spinning a bazillion MPH because the treadmill is matching the speed of the wheels