Official NHL Trade deadline thread

Every day closer Campbell made it to free agency the more we would have had to over pay for him. He is going to get STUPID bank.

Simply put, he would have been gone at year’s end.

I went home early from work to listen to the feeds and watch this

i take off a lot of work during the playoffs so i can go to the road games too…and i usually make sure im off on july 1st (first day of UFA signings) too

but that matters not…b/c its obviously “fucking retarded” :roll:

i got home from work to watch this

in THEORY, he could hold off from signing a deal with san jose and still hit the open market…which honestly i see him doing rather than moving out west
…so in theory buffalo could take this time to make a long term deal for him…but i doubt it lol

i still don’t think this is too bad of a deal for bernier and a 1st round pick…that gives us 2 first rounders to either use or offer up in the next 30 minutes as trade bait…plus bernier can bang some heads…put him with hecht and pominville and give them someone to hit, much like when zubrus was playing with drury and pominville…tons of free pucks that turned into goals…

over an hour…wtf is happening…

micah (2:29:30 PM): ok this guy’s name rules…
micah(2:29:38 PM): cristobal huet
micah(2:29:42 PM): he can probably see the future
skunkape123 (2:29:45 PM): lo
skunkape123 (2:29:46 PM): l
micah(2:29:47 PM): in that cristobal of his
skunkape123 (2:29:52 PM): HAHa ur an idiot
micah(2:29:56 PM): LOLLL
skunkape123 (2:29:58 PM): u never knew that was huet’s name?
micah(2:29:59 PM): its so funny to me
skunkape123 (2:30:06 PM): ?
micah(2:30:08 PM): no SOORRY IM NOT JDMR2
skunkape123 (2:30:13 PM): hahaha
skunkape123 (2:30:19 PM): huet is a well known goalie
skunkape123 (2:30:20 PM): you SG
micah(2:30:28 PM): WHATEVER

wtf, how do i get dragged into that convo in a negative light you fegs

lol its positive cuz i regard you as having more hockey knowledge than anyone else, i COULD have said “oh sorry im not YOU” but i put u a level above skunk, and thats GOOD! lol





15 minutes!!!

:tup: at taking the day off.

I thought I was bad for having the live feed playing since 8:30am and getting very little done today.

whos going to reel in hossa?

wtf, i cant believe jokinen is going to stay in florida…at least his much less talented brother will now be playing near him tampa lol

15 min left… I’m sure the reports will bleed in until 4pm

or later…last year, the sabres didnt say they got zubrus until like 5 or 6pm lol

im simply shocked that over 50% of people gave this trade a “B” or better on WGR’s poll of the campbell trade…

just goes to show, sabres fans also think something > nothing lol

i wonder if campbell has enough time to pack his shit and get to columbus for his first game with the sharks tomorrow

doubtful i know…but one can wonder…im up for the drive to see him play lol

I doubt he’ll be able to play tomorrow


hal gill to the penguins…oh man…i cant believe another team was dumb enough to take his grossly overpaying contract…at least they only lost 2 draft picks for him i guess…