Official NHL Trade deadline thread

agreed, but offering Soup 7 years doesnt sound right either.
5 years, i can see, but 7 just seems long. thats a little less than he’s been here already over the course of multiple contracts.

Campbell offered to sign for what, 5 years 5 million a year at the start of the season? That’s what someone here at work is claiming but I haven’t been able to fact check it.

I really hope that’s wrong.


They’re talking about Campbell offering 5 years 25 million there back in early Feb and the Sabres rejected it. :picard:

^^^thats what i was saying earlier…but they said Campbell declined it cus he wanted 7 yrs

but i only heard it on WGR

He would have signed for less money, but fuck the long term deal. Campbell is going to ask for 6.5-7 million for 5-7 years, and he’s going to get it. Even if he would’ve stayed here at 5.5 million for 6 years or 7 years, that’s way too much money to spend on a defenseman with a really good offensive side and a below average defensive side. He is not in the same category with guys like Pronger, Lidstrom, Niedermayer, Phaneuf, etc, and that’s what they’re making.

I’m really surprised they didn’t try to go after a veteran defenseman with one of their 1st round draft picks and maybe a player like Max or Stafford. I’m excited to see another grinder though in Bernier. Almost 150 hits so far this season? Jesus Diarhhea Christ. That’s awesome.

where can you find the hit stats… i havent found a reliable source :frowning:

no hit stats are reliable. Depending on arena they fluctuate by a factor of 2 or 3 game to game

all trades are done :frowning:

I saw the hit stats on San Jose’s home page.

And is the suck. They still don’t even have the Marian Hossa trade updated.

All aboard the Darcy Failboat.

His player page on has him ranked 1st on the Sharks and 17th among all NHLer’s.

How was this a failure?

OT, chris you playing friday? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just got your pm :slight_smile:

But probably not. My rib’s still kinda in half, haha.

weak :slight_smile:

I like the trade. Bernier is a beast.

i know, i know. i need to drink more milk.

oh, and here is the list of everyone’s salaries on the Sabres, and every team in the league for that matter.

The amount Campbell wanted to stay here wasn’t going to work…for him at least. Lidstrom or Pronger? Hell yes. Brian “Ronald McDonald” Campbell? GTFO.

#1 they only got into this mess because he waited too long to negotiate. They could have locked him up last offseason at a discount.
#2 It’s the 5th or 6th time he made the same mistake. This is the first time he’s gotten ANYTHING.
#3 He didn’t get anywhere close to value. They got another fucking Paul Gaustad and a low first round draft pick. Hockey draft picks are about as sure of a thing as mega millions tickets, only even if you win, it’s in 2013 or so.
#4 Yet another move toward being a laughingstock AHL franchise. They develop them til they’re about to hit their prime, then let them do it for someone else. How can you permanently be a young team with potential?
#5 Good luck getting anyone with talent to come or stay here, when they’ve shown how they treat their own. Plan on several more years of rosters of undersized injury-prone guys and forwards with 8 to 10 goals a year.
#6 Who the hell is going to play defense? Some of their 20 mediocre forwards?


yes? elaborate.