*Official Swine Flu Thread*

I am sure we will apologize to Mexico for sending it there.

You sure it wasn’t FOX?

U.S. Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection
(As of April 26, 2009 9:00 AM ET) State# of laboratory
confirmed casesCalifornia7 casesKansas2 casesNew York City8 casesOhio1 caseTexas2 casesTOTAL COUNT20 cases


I think I had it last week. I still have the sore throat, but not that bad…

Is your tail curly?

I had my tail removed at an early age. I did contract a stutter and made friends with a talking spider, though…

That’ll do pig, that’ll do.

I’m so sick of hearing about this. This is the only thing on every news channel.

should have built that fence higher.


The news doesn’t report on real near epidemic outbreaks. Granted I was 7, but I don’t remember hearing about this:


If it hadn’t been a slightly mutated strain there would have been an ebola outbreak in the first world. :ohnoes:

The counter is up to 40 confirmed in the US now.

I love the movie Outbreak… I wish I could download it again :frowning:

I do remember this and I was 5

Never saw outbreak, but “Hot Zone” was one of the coolest books I’ve ever read. It’s about that outbreak, gets into a lot of neat stuff about virus hunting and whatnot.

I hope everyone turns into Zombies.

Pig Zombies.

There I said it.

only the jews will survive?

just the zionit ones…and the jesuits…but seriously i want a zombie apocolypse

How it started.


Just heard Carnival Cruises not going to Mexico. (I Have not confirmed it but…)
