Thats why every once in a while i consider a legacy gt
Background story for anyone who’s interested:
I was heading to work, making decent time down Sheridan (heading east), and noticed a black Scion keeping up with me. He ended up ahead of me in the left lane as we went under the 290 overpass. I decided to use the empty right lane to pass him and a bunch of other cars. He ends up behind me and I give a couple four-way flashes just to be funny. When we get past the golf course and into the curves, he’s still right behind me. He turns on his left directional and moves into the center turning lane. He continues to use the turning lane (all the while with his left signal on) and passes a bunch of traffic until he sees a clearing and pulls back into eastbound traffic.
Message to Dude:
Either you’re insane or you think you’re in a movie.
Sure, there’s no place for opposing traffic to turn, so they don’t “need” that lane, but you never know when someone wants to turn left, and pulls right into you—since no one should be PASSING in that lane!!
Should have put him into a wall :lol:
its always fun driving around with a “new friend” either driving in front of you or following behind, especially on the highway, but as soon as they pull an epic feat of douchebaggery, I always feel somewhat betrayed…
What the fuck is with this recent trend to drive 5mph under the speed limit… when the roads are clear… FUCKING SPEED UP!
Gotta love the old fucks.
that was traveling on tonawanda creek road at 6:45am today at 100+mph…you are a complete idiot. your head was less then a foot from smashing into my blazer as you chose to pass a gmc on a blind curve while a van ahead of me and i was going the other direction. i seriously hope you crash and paralize half your body to learn a lesson that theres a time and place to ride like that and it is not on a public suburban road in the morning. oh and btw, the van ahead of me that you almost smashed into as well, i recognize it from when i did yardwork for my aunt in gasport…the dude is a pastor for a church out there…
:picard: I was going 85 not 100
are you OK?
Damn, glad I took the 90 today at 6:45 instead.
That’s why bikes >>>> cars. Morons on bikes only tend to kill themselves. :tup: It’s only a matter of time for someone riding like that…
Its pretty cold at 6:45.
But then again, if he can do 100+ on a curve at 6:45am when its 30 degrees, he is a much better rider than I.
I only ride my blue Yamaha 100+ when I’m going straight through Tonawanda.
I only take my blue yamaha to the speed limit where the limits of my capabilities end.
Cool, and official thread.
FU to the lady in a hummer at Woodward and Military a few weeks back that drove through a big pothole ridden puddle thus drenching me on my bike