Oh No!! Fire! STM's solution to your DSM dipstick popping out.

After reading the comments on all the DSM forums, we had a range from “Awesome! Great product, I’ll be ordering two!” to “I have mine rigged with a paperclip and rubber band, why should I spend $50?” :meh:

I don’t pretend to know or argue about how motors work. All I know is once the Evo started making decent power, the dipstick was coming up and I was always cleaning the over-spray.

The spring has kept it clean. I’m happy.


Girls who know their role :tup:

On DSM’s The crankcase is often pressurized due to a shitty PCV system and valve design. A lot of the crankcase pressure comes from a boost leak from the intake manifold to the valve cover through the PCV valve itself. From there, the pressure pushes on the oil sitting in the pan and forces THE OIL up the dipstick tube (easiest way out). This pushes the dipstick tube out, NOT the boost. Add the leaky PCV valve with some blowby and thats a bad situation.

Neat product. I personally prefer to fix the root.

you dont make enough power…:highfive:

Alot of people in that community know of this problem… its a known issue with the Evo’s. Maybe you’ve never seen this happen with the types of cars you see and work on.

I will say this-Mine did it when it came back from AMS…when the Evo’s start pushing some real power this becomes an issue.

I use to have to zip tie mine after Id check the oil…until Emery made me one like his 2 years ago…

When I got my car back I was like wtf is a zip tie doing on here??? I cut it off and then my engine was a mess…until shawna cleaned it all nice!

All it would have taken was a spark and a nice fire would have started…we all know those arent fun…

Anyways- great product. I can attest to its simplicity and practicality…and for 50bucks or whatever, Id rather be safe.

I think this is the crux of the issue here. It is like turning up your radio so you don’t hear the knock.

holy shit we agree on something :grouphug:

This happened once on my gst

awesome idea! I may be placing an order for one.

…and I don’t expect non-DSM owners to understand this, however it’s a very common problem.

no one is denying its a common problem. people just don’t think its a good idea to band-aid a problem instead of fixing it.

if there’s crankcase pressure, then relieve it. i don’t care how much boost you run, that graph I posted is from an 8 sec 4-banger motor, and it has zero crankcase pressure at 46psi lol…so yeah.

These people drive DSM’s for a reason. With all the dime store fixes and home depot parts, I dont think they are going to spend hundreds on catch cans or new motors when blowby is not causing any other problems.


Whats the spring made of?

it seems like a good idea, but why not fix the root of the problem like everyone else stated

my motor is built to handle pretty much anything i can throw at it, i have a catch can and barely any oil/fumes etc came out of the breathers

my roommate had this problem and oil was everywhere, i agree this would help him but only temporarily until he can afford to fix it properly

It’s easier for people to come up with $49 then it is for them to come up with $1500+ for a motor build/ rebuild.

Like already stated, what’s a little blow by?? If its not hindering performance why spend $1000s to fix it??

edit: Another reason to buy it is piece of mind that your engine bay won’t be covered in oil should the dip stick pop loose.


I think as a shop owner this is the wrong attitude.

I know you feel like people are just ripping on the dipstick idea, which is actually a good idea.

The point everyone is making is, if this is caused by excessive crankcase pressure, and you lock out the usual/easiest exit route for the crank pressure, something else more important like the main seal, oil pan gasket etc WILL eventually blow. Then you’re back at square one with oil all over the engine bay, granted maybe not as much volume since it’ll leak/blow thru a tighter opening than a wide open dipstick hole…

I know DSM people are notoriously cheap, but then again no one said you had to make the same exact box as the T1R can which is Al and TIG’ed with all those AN fittings and SS lines. By the way, Honda people are also notoriously dime store and home depot. Ever hear of homemadeturbo.com haha? Cheap people will be cheap no matter what car they drive.

Just slap together a box from steel, mig it, paint or anodize it, log the crank pressure, and market the fuck out of it for like 1-200 for a complete setup (you don’t HAVE to use SS lines, which are uber overpriced anyway) and it WILL sell. I mean regular “Greddy” catch cans new are like what 100-150 or some shit like that anyway. If you properly explain the benefits & give a real world example(such as the datalog from the tony1 car), which shouldn’t be hard since you run a DSM shop, then eventually people will hop on the bandwagon.

There’s a guy on this board that actually made T1R-style catch cans for Shrek…but i’m pretty sure you have your own welder right? Give it a shot man, as long as you don’t try to price gouge the shit out of people and you market it correctly, it will sell.

I’ve got a great product opportunity for STM: BRD!

The Boner Retention Device installs easily in any teenagers sweatpants or gym shorts and will help those embarrassing tents from ruining your highschool years. Don’t worry about why it happens, stick this metal hook through the end of your jimmy and in to your leg and you won’t have to worry any more!

I’m with Toda. It is the same concept with Stage One Million clutches and super sticky tires… something in the system has to give… now its going to be your axles.

Should I keep coming up with witty analogies? I’m sure I can!


Im not sure if you have seen our webstore or not, but we offer every other fix that there could be as well. Infact, we even offer new valve covers with 2 -8 weld bungs welded in to releave case pressure. This is just another option for those who dont want to spend the money. I know we can’t make everyone happy, But we do try.


I checked it out, but I just see the typical run of the mill catch cans, nothing as a “complete package solution” … also when u run the higher boost figures (say 30+psi) then I’m not sure if 2 ports is enough…the T1 can is like 4 from the valvecover and 2 from the block. I think that’s a little too over kill haha…im thinking 2 from the block, 2 from the head and it should be fine. Then again honda blocks have a bunch of freezeplugs u can easily convert to bungs for hoses etc, not sure w/ the dsm blocks.

All we’re saying is, if people really have as much problems w/ the dipstick popping out as u say then u should give some thought into offering a solution via a custom, larger catch can w/ true baffles that can handle the volume, cuz you’ll always have the people like us who don’t really like to band-aid problems instead of fixing the problem, that’s all.

i mean if you went thru the trouble of designing the dipstick, then it must be worth the time to develop a solution to the crank pressure system. im surprised like buschur etc haven’t done something with that already. with the proper marketing & design (something as close to “bolt on” as possible for the noobs and lazy fucks that dont want to relocate things in the enginebay)u can make a ton of money.

maybe i just dont know the dsm market as well as the honda market but usually with any automotive performance product and car noobs, you market it, post some test results, and if no one else sells a product similar to u, u can ride the bandwagon sales for a good year or two and make a killing.
