hahahahha PWND.
Hardly… The war in Iraq was like throwing water on Gremlins in terms of terrorism and terrorists.
WTF does that have to do with what he quoted?
You said,
Half of these psychos would not be as hard-core and militant if we didn’t go into Iraq in the first place. Savy?
lol at the accurate gremlins refereance
Iraq is clearly not the way to go. We fucked up in so many ways with the planning of the Iraq war it’s almost funny.
N. Korea can be contained with food and money. They just want to feel important because that country is on the brink of collapse. If you want a military solution to the problem it’s covert operations. The problem with that is you have China who’s also a communist country. But I promise you this, if you drop bombs on N. Korea, China is not going to be happy. The answer to containing NK is through the UN. Period.
Iran feels, and I think rightfully so, that they have a right to develop nuclear technology. The hard-line “Fuck you, no you can’t” stance isn’t going to get us anywhere except closer to conflict. REAL diplomacy with Iran is the way to go. Iran is ripe for an internal revolution in the next couple decades we need to contain them until then with diplomacy. Sending Condi in on one trip and then having the president and vice president sabre rattling to get political support from the base isn’t going to get you very far.
And both this countries got serious about pissing the US off after we invaded Iraq. N.K. dropped out of the non-proliferation deal one month after invasion. Iran started flexing nuclear muscle once it saw that we couldn’t handle the Iraq war. Iraq & Saddam and the appearance of WMD was our biggest asset in containing Iran. Don’t forget the only reason Saddam lied about having weapons was to prevent Iran from invading Iraq.
And to all the people who say “Saddam killed his own people” guess what? We’ve killed more Iraqis in 3 years than he did in a decade. And what do we have to show for it? The Iraqi government is instituting Saddam’s old laws, they’re putting journalists in jail who disagree with the government. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
We didn’t do anything in Iraq to make things worse but allow the world to see how we as a country second guess eachother on every little silly thing, we look like retards to the rest of the free world. If we would go in, get shit done and the worry about the politics, things would work out better. People that say that we are making this worse, are being kinda silly. If you leave a bully alone at school, does the problem go away, if we take all of the cops out of the inner city, will that problem get any better, no on both accounts, same with this. We need to bitch slap these countries, and put them back into thier places, plain and simple. Ive llived and served in Korea, and Afghanistan, both times for a good bit of time. Our take on the world sitting on our couches is the problem, we don’t relate to these people, we think we can reason with them. In afghanistan, i have to put a gun to the head of a person just to get them from approaching my helicopter. In korea we have to use a bigger threat than they give use, because anything less, would just prove our weakness to them, and they will continue to do what they want.
Well according to CNN it hasn’t even been confirmed that they tested a nuke. Plus this:
A North Korean official, meanwhile, said Pyongyang would return to international arms talks and abandon its atomic program if the U.S. takes “corresponding measures,” South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday.
They got nothing. They’re just trying to get paid to not make nukes. Fuck em. Get China on our side, impose economic sanctions, and choke the fuckers off.
yea the white house has not confirmed it but the sizemicgraps (sp?) confirm it happened
I agree with Jimbo here, I think we need to get China in our corner and then we can leverage NK a lot easier. I think the Chinese realise the ramifications if NK decides to go to war with the US. It works the other way as well because we don’t want China as our enemy either.
It’s very true. Certainly in the case of Iran.
Yeah, the US presence in Iraq did recruit any hardcore terrorists at all. :roll:
Just like there were WMD’s in Iraq
Just like Mission Accomplished
Just like Iraq was responsible for 9/11
Yeah, these were all peace loving nations until that day that Bush used the term “axis of evil”.
This thread is now in funny mode.
the point is they got MORE dangerous as a result of the Iraq war
Not at all but there was no Al Qaudia in Iraq before the war in Iraq. Maybe if your homeboy Bush had gone after Osama and finished the job with US TROOPS instead of handing the job over to the worldly reknown and reliable Afgani’s, it would have been the problem it is today. I figure it’s probably the correct response since 9/11 was the result of Osama’s planning, not Sadaam. But hey, we all make mistakes, right? 10’s of thousands of people have died but everyone gets a mulligan. :roll:
I don’t get how the purpose of the 2003 Iraq war got so fucking skewed by the media. It didn’t have dick to do with terrorism, although Bush resorted to that to try and sell it. Here’s how it went down:
1961 - Britain gives up Kuwait
1961 - Iraq tries to take Kuwait
1961 - Arab league recognizes Kuwait’s independence, ending Iraq’s attempt to annex
1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait in another attempt to annex
1990 - UN intervenes and stops Iraq
1991 - UN drives Iraq out, passes resolutions that order Iraq to cease weapons programs and continually cooperate with UN weapons inspectors
1998 - Iraq totally stops cooperating with UN weapons inspectors, in complete defiance of UN resolutions passed in 1991
2003 - US enforces UN resolutions passed on a country that has already proven itself aggressive and violent
Hence there are only 3 reasonable viewpoints on the 2003 war that I can think of:
- We should not have gotten involved when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.
- We should have waited for full UN support to enforce the resolutions passed on Iraq.
- We did the right thing.
You forgot to mention “Iraq allows weapons inspectors back in and Iraq releases documents saying it has no weapons of mass destruction, the UN and US didn’t believe them, US told UN inspectors to leave before being able to finish the job at confirming Iraq has no WMD and invaded”
And you forgot to mention that the inspectors were being told, “you can look here, but not here, here or here”.
That’s like me going in for a NY inspection on my car and saying, “Check out these tail lights, but don’t look at my brakes, exhaust, or check engine light.”.