Oil... how does it work? [split]

Because more viscous is thinner and
Less viscous is thicker.

Better correct yourself before you have Wayne jumping in here calling you dumb.

Viscosity is a unit of measurement. It’s not relative. It’s going to vary at different temperatures yes, but an inch is an inch and a foot is a foot. It’s a unit of measurement.

If two fluids are tested at entirely different temps their viscosity will be recorded as the same, at those corresponding temps.

Here is a proposal for you.

You measure a random fluid at 50 degrees celsius and it’s rather fluid. So you think it’s rather viscous so you give it a reading of 60. You freeze it at zero and it becomes molasses like, thicker, what reading what you give it?

Keep in mind, the higher the number the thicker.



The viscosity of your mystery fluid would be higher if it got thicker.

I can not comprehend what you are not understanding.

What is this, I don’t even…

It is a unit of measurement, yes, so we’ll put it this way.

I’ll try to relate the units in feet and inches:


20 feet @ 32F, 50 inches @ 212F.

It’s not the same unit of measurement between the two, of course the SAE rating will be lower in viscosity when hot on the same scale, but it’s NOT. This is why the 2nd number is HIGHER even though the oil is THINNER at that temperature vs. the first number.

That’s the whole point of having the measurements being performed at a single set temp. :lol

Obviously everything is going to have a different viscosity at different temps.

I am going to neg rep everyone who posted in here for giving me, KRAZYKID a fucking headache by page 2, and carpal tunnel syndrome on my right finger by scrolling my mouse wheel down frantically to get to the bottom of the redundant replies.

Neg me and I will cut you, straight up.

What should I run in my Honda? 0w20, 5w20, or a 5w30? Vlad?

I would run urine. Perhaps you could run Russian bear piss, I hear it’s great for the skin as well.

I sorta see what Vlad is saying now. I don’t agree with him but understand.

none of the above… 100w0

Sorry, I didn’t read any of the responses in this thread. I just wanted to add that Volkswagen for years said DO NOT warm up the engine in their vehicles. Get in, start, oil pressure, drive.


Congrats Vlad, you just won the “Strong Jellies” World Heavyweight title. I’m going to personally contact PJB in an effort to have the title belt presented to you at the next Shift518 gathering you attend.

If you don’t attend and Jellies is not available, I’ll personally deliver the title to your home or place of work myself.

Did I lie?!?!?!?

DID I LIE?!!??!?!?!?!



3 pages of this boring bullshit and the thread about John liking the cock is only 2 pages?

Whats up with that?

If it’s not the same scale, where is the rule that’s written that a thick fluid at low temp should be rated lower than a thin fluid at a high temp.

Otherwise you’re just making shit up by saying it’s not the same scale, because it is just ONE SCALE.

So if the mystery fluid viscosity would be higher (BIGGER) if it got thicker, why does oil get lower (SMALLER)?

I don’t understand what you’re not understanding, when you’re agreeing with me.


I’ll play along.

So would 5 be low viscosity then? (thin) and 50 be high viscosity then? (thick)?

Being that I’m a man of my word, here is my first iteration of the Vlad version of the “Strong Jellies” belt…what do you guys think?

^ You’re laying it on awe fully thick :rofl
