Oil Light On Will I Pass Inspection? 96+ Vehicle

well i got a low oil light that comes on and off sometimes. its not on constantly it just comes on then goes off. im thinking the oil level sensor is acting up but i dont want to replace it right now because i dont have any time. but the problem is i have to pass inspection in about 10days.lol temp inspection on the new car. would i be able to pass inspection? i was thinking it doesnt deal with any emission or saftey feature so it doesnt affect it but who knows. somoene must know more then me. lol
its a 1998 so its a obd-2

Shouldn’t have any impact. Though the mechanics/oil monkeys might bug you about it.

yea thats not a problem at all… you’ll be fine

only CEL fails 96+

you can have any other warning light on and still pass…brake, airbag, etc…

y don’t u just check your oil? it maybe low…

Check that wire that runs down to the pan switch, if it’s loose it gives that intermittent on/off. You can tape that up as a temporary fix, the new sensors are @ $25. Other than that you’re golden.

its not low on oil i think its a looos wire. that what im assuming but thanks for the help and everyhting.