OMG Bike Crash Is Everyone OK? *2018* (Count = ?)

I have yet to learn this lesson. I’m a stubborn bastard.

On the radio this morning they were talking to his neighbor and they stated that he had the bike a couple of months.

I found it odd he was in high school and had a bike I don’t remember anyone from any of the highschools having a bike when I was graduating.

in this case i dont think death was a justified punishment but :gotme:

Sorry but I see people posting on FB and other areas about how he was a child and what a tragic situation and how could you people be so heartless.

The way I look at it… These same people would be saying, “hang him, lock him up and throw away the keys, He’s an adult… make him pay for his crime” If he was to pull the trigger and kill someone. Why in one case is he an adult, but since it was a bike crash which hurt no one but himself, is he now a child. Last I checked… 18 meant you were an adult, there is nothing but going to the big boy house now when you commit a crime, get off the “hes only a child” and realize that he could have killed someone because of his actions. I have no pity for anyone like that, only the family and everyone else involved.

Generally shooting someone is a bit more premeditated…

In the heat of the moment on a fast vehicle it’s easy to say, fuck it, this is gonna be sweet.

Oh completely agreed that they are different by a long shot. Just when do you draw the line in saying the person is a child.

being he was only 18 he probably wouldnt have gotten in that much trouble also the cop went back to his cruiser to check his license correct? its not like they wouldnt have found him from the information on his id

It was the punishment that he chose.

I had a few friends with bikes in high school, every last one showboated and thought they were immortal.

dude you flip flop more than a politician

You mean we weren’t when we were in high school?

He took off when the cop got out the first time. So the cop/trooper never got to the bike in the first place to see who it was or a license.

---------- Post added at 09:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------

You missed my point. I’m saying people are complaining saying to show some sympathy, that he was a child. But the way I see it, these same people would be calling him an adult if he pulled the trigger on someone and killed them. Me personally, I will not show sympathy for this behavior and that he is an adult. But I know there is a huge difference between pulling a trigger and running from the cops. Plain and simple, he’s an adult in my eyes either way. Based off the 2 different crimes is not going to change if hes a child or an adult.

How do you feel about child soldiers in Africa? That’s a good equal comparison too.

I would never wish death upon anyone, but honestly, I can’t feel bad for this kid. He chose this and he had the opportunity to avoid it. Heat of the moment or not, it was clearly a bad decision that cost him his life. I feel terrible for his family and friends who now have to deal with this tragedy. Shit like this happens all the time and when I was 18, I pulled the same shit, difference is that I am here to talk about it and say that I learned my lesson.

All that we can hope for out of this is that other kids that are in the same situation, ie. owning a sport bike at a young are, will think about this kid and his actions/result next time they decide to ride illegally or to twist the throttle. Unfortunately, a handful won’t. I think the first step to forming some sort of a solution would be to enforce better training practices and to make it easier for kids like this to learn the rules of the road and get proper training.

Obviously this kid didn’t give a hoot about training or even getting his license. This all happened on a learner’s permit. He didn’t even have any training whatsoever whether it be real life experience or training of riding a bike. I partially blame his parents for not giving him tough love since they let him buy a bike and ride it without the proper ID and training. I couldn’t imagine how they feel right now and I bet they wish they could do things differently.

Those same people saying “oh he was only a kid” wouldn’t be saying it had he survived the crash by hitting something much smaller like a kid crossing the street on his bike and scattered some innocent person’s body parts all over Clarence instead of his own. They’d be calling for his head and new laws.

Obviously WE were, I mean I am still alive and probably had enough opportunities to not be.

exactly, what if the vehicle hit wasnt a state of the art 75k bmw suv and instead some civic that a high school kid had to make 100000 pizzas to buy. my guess is that a person in a lesser car wouldnt of faired so well

I fell bad for the people left behind in most all motorcycle deaths. I used to feel bad for riders, but there are so many that behave so poorly that I will not feel bad for them if they crash.
Nobody is perfect, and people make bad choices every day.

OT: I did see responsible sport riders on Sheridan the other day… Not aggressively changing lanes, looking around etc… Moving through traffic without being an ass. Even the guy with a passenger looked like there
was more giveashitivity than I have seen in the past few years. - Kudos to the 2 of 200 I will likely see this summer.

I can thank my mom for some of this. My first car was slow and that was all I was allowed to have as long as I was under her roof. Looking back at the stupid shit I did I’m pretty sure had my first car been fast I probably wouldn’t be here. Also got a motorcycle while still living at home and no way was I allowed to ride outside of my uncle’s supervision (he was the only adult I knew that had a motorcycle license) while I only had a permit.

I know when my kid gets older there will be a no motorcycle rule as long as she lives with me. I will also help her get her first car and it certainly won’t be a sports car.

Part of being a parent is being that bad guy who makes the decisions a 16-18 year old is too dumb to make.