OMG Bike Crash Is Everyone OK? *2018* (Count = ?)

Kinda puts it in perspective:


Crash from Syracuse… otorcycles_and_one_car_deputie.html#incart_m-rpt-2

An Oneida man lost control of his motorcycle after popping a wheelie, striking another motorcycle that in turn crashed into a car, deputies said.

At about 2 p.m. Sunday, Onondaga County Sheriff Deputy Karen Munro watched as 26-year-old Ryan Emmons attempted a wheelie in the right lane of Morgan Road. Emmons then lost control of his motorcycle, knocking a different motorcycle before sliding into a ditch, deputies said.

The second motorcycle, driven by 32-year-old Syracuse man John Craven, then slammed into the stopped car driven by 28-year-old Fulton man Asia Smith. Neither Craven nor Smith was hurt, according to the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office.

Emmons was treated at the scene for minor arm injuries. Munro, the deputy who watched the wheelie attempt, then arrested Emmons on charges of reckless driving.

dudes on stuntride. he hasn’t been on a big bike long

Emmons was treated at the scene for minor arm injuries. Munro, the deputy who watched the wheelie attempt, then arrested Emmons on charges of reckless driving.

LOL Cop-“siqqqq whooolieee kid now place your hands behind your back” deserves it dumb ass putting others at risk for a gay video/wheelie. I personally like my fork seals and don’t feel like spending 100$ for ohlins fork oil if they leak after slamming the front down like that… but that’s me

Kyd had a really nice 636 for sale last I knew. Didn’t know he converted to stunt, but what a shame to see that happen. Didn’t seem like a bad guy on the local forums while I was in Syracuse, but I know the stunt crew there is definitely known for poppin whoolies anywhere and everywhere.

edit- Josh if the link and video correspond, then that’s Syracuse not Albany.

I assume he’s on

Which groups him into the, “I’m a fucking douche wiener” category.

Correct, I’m blurring my cities :ham:

What a dumb ass!

This is so suprising


Emmons was treated at the scene for minor arm injuries. Munro, the deputy who watched the wheelie attempt, then arrested Emmons on charges of reckless driving.

LOL Cop-“siqqqq whooolieee kid now place your hands behind your back” deserves it dumb ass putting others at risk for a gay video/wheelie. I personally like my fork seals and don’t feel like spending 100$ for ohlins fork oil if they leak after slamming the front down like that… but that’s me


ride how you want brother. while im not big on street stunting anymore due to risk and cops I do make sure my bike is on 1 wheel rather than 2 as much as possible and usually ride industrial parks. bitching about fork seals from “slamming” wheelies down makes you sound like a pansy. I bet you like to see triple digits and drag knee AMIRITE brah?

The only sweet wheelie I can think of is one done at a very slow speed showing full balance front to back and side to side. Fast wheelies are gay and the average joe can do them on a bike after basic training on how. Not to mention any wheelie on the road is retarded, empty parking lots are a different story… stunt away.



Meanwhile in Motha Russia

LOL so good.

Fuck, that Russian bike video isn’t even that good and it’s made it onto like 5 fucking threads. Stop.

I’ve removed it from this thread.

Correct me if I’m wrong but…

OMG Bike Crash Is Everyone OK? 2013 (Count = Too Many)
wouldn’t this have be the thread to post it in?

No. This thread is for local crashes where someone might know the parties involved. Hence, “Is Everyone OK?”

No one here knows the guy who crashed in Russia.