Bike down in Depew on Transit
Transit is blocked off in one direction near Walden in front of Bank of America.
Bike down in Depew on Transit
Transit is blocked off in one direction near Walden in front of Bank of America.
Looks like a recognizable bike…anyone know?
I don’t kno him but I heard about it, sad.
That name sounds very familiar.
Now we’ll have to replace the plastic rocks, that replaced the real rocks, with paper rocks so we can prevent another tragedy. Better yet, install a $75,000 holographic imaging device to project an image of rocks.
How about no rocks?!?!?!
The traffic circle and any “decorations” aren’t the problem. We have three more of these in Hamburg with little issue. I see people all the time who DON’T KNOW HOW TO NAVIGATE A TRAFFIC CIRCLE AND THE MEANING OF A YIELD SIGN. Guy on channel 4 said they should install lights or stop signs. Are you fucking kidding me?
I love traffic circles.
I hate people who don’t know how to drive around traffic circles.
They need to educate people on how to do so correctly, because obviously it’s an issue.
If they install stop signs I’d just explode.
There is/was a Salerno on here. (?)
So people are saying the roundabout is the issue… what caused this crash?
I would be pissed if they put stop signed in. Its yield… stop if needed. Don’t people realize that yield technically is a stop sign if traffic requires you to stop. fuck!
These help in so many ways too… less head on crashes with people blowing redlights/making a left into on coming traffic. Takes crashes from 60mph down to 30mph and less usually since you need to slow down to go around the roundabout minus those that blast through them.
There are definitely a lot of wins about roundabouts.
Hamburg converted almost the whole town to have roundabouts, I’m guessing he was either drunk or lost control going too fast.
It would be really fitting for WNY to have a traffic circle with stop signs.
not being able to use a traffic circle correctly should result in a week in the stocks.
We have to legislate for the least intelligent, this is why speed limits are retardedly low. US citizens apparently do not have the mental capacity for roundabouts/traffic circles. This is why we can’t have nice things.
But the traffic signs apparently mean little to some drivers. Another resident, who lives about two blocks from the intersection and passes through the roundabout several times a day, said she’s counted as many as six cars passing before she’s able to enter the intersection from Big Tree because motorists don’t adhere to the yield signs.
that’s how traffic circles / yield works… you have to wait your turn.
Right. lol umm so if we put a traffic signal there like most intersections… you would wait, those 6 - 10 cars will go through, the light turns green for you and the cars behind you. lol People are fucking dumb!
I really cannot believe that people are so dumb to think that people INSIDE THE CIRCLE would stop to let them in instead of waiting for the circle to clear before entering…really blows my mind…