OMVOC President saying hi

Hello Everybody!

Just want to drop in and introduce myself, my name is Jeff and I am the President of the Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council. I just want to let everyone know I am working very hard on behalf of the modified car / truck enthusiast.

I want to stay more connected with you guys and get to know you, your hobby and how we at OMVOC can be of help. Although I live in the NWT Yellowknife (just moved from Hamilton Ontario) I plan on doing what I can up here, and possibly taking OMVOC Canada wide.

So if you have any questions, post up, pm me or whatever you wish!

I will do my best to help you out and explain our situation that we are facing and could face!

Thanks :F :slight_smile:


Hi & welcome to the forum.

What goals have OMVOC set or outlined for this year with regards to assisting tuners in the canadian market?

Will OMVOC be seeking to justify legislation in Canada similar to the U.S “Magnuson Moss Warranty Act”

I have so many questions…



Hey welcome and best of luck with OMVOC

Thanks Guys…

Well I will be trying to make more of an appearance here on the web boards to get to know the “true tunerz” of this sport and not what the media and police would like the general public to hear.

Since we are very grass routes right now the goals are simple:

1 create a web page

  1. Increase membership

3 stay in contact with the MTO / other jurisdictions that affect the automotive hobby.

We already had a couple of meetings with the MTO so they know us and what we are all about. I want to make sure OMVOC is a force to be dealt with.

I think the medial and police and governments give a knee jerk reaction when it comes to a hobby that is growing in popularity.

I am at the lobbying stage right now so when I get to see an issue and a response to our sport, I immediately issue a response to the media. I want this organization to be transparent and open to all members. I will also be getting some legal representation to help us word ideas and responses.

This is an organization that has a tremendous amount of potential and if we all work together I am sure we can make our driving pleasure a joy to own.

I am not quite familiar with the U.S “Magnuson Moss Warranty Act” Our efforts have been solely concentrated on the Ontario HTA Traffic Act and Social Profiling at this stage in the game, but if you want to brief me more about it I will take a good look and we can figure out something.

Hope this is a good start and let me know how I am doing!

Cheers, Jeff

Welcome to the forums glad to have you here. we will definatly like to know more about the issue and im sure most will help in that matter… Keep us posted on what happens/happenings



thanks for what you are doing for us here in Ontario (even tho now your in NWT)

hey thanks for the warm welcome!

I plan on helping every part of the country out as best as we can. We will need your help on things from time to time, after all its the people who will make the difference!

Although I am in the Land of the Midnight Sun, I will do my part that I promised!


Hey Jeff it’s GREAT that your finally here. I just couldn’t do all the OMVOC stuff on my own and Dennis has been extremely business with a new venture he’s doing.

You know I’m still down for absolutely ANYTHING I can do to help out so please PLEASE keep in touch.

All the best my friend,

Bruce :smiley:

Welcome to the forum! I’m am so glad someone has finally taken the initiative concerning the over so growing bias towardes modifies vehicles. I would love to be as involved as possible, but am very unfamiliar with political affairs and processes. If there is any I can do to help please let me know. Let’s keep the family close!