Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council (OMVOC) HUGE UPDATE!

Hey guys whats up.

Well a friend of mine has finally had enough of all the harassment going on (or Social Profiling as i’ve come to call it) with regards to modified car owners, the Government and Police. Simpley owning a modifed car does NOT make you a street racer regardless if you own a Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru and so on.

As such he’s created the following and I wanted to post this up to show all of you that FINALLY someone is actually doing something about it rather then just gripe.

the following is a direct quote*

"Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council

June 23, 2006

Your vehicle is your pride and joy. You invest many hours and dollars in it and it shows. This is why OMVOC (Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council is here – to support you and your passion for your vehicle. OMVOC was created to effectively lobby governments and multiple jurisdictions about modified vehicle owner’s common interests for recreational purposes.

OMVOC is a non-profit, member supported organization that will educate and change the public’s view of modified vehicles and their respective owners, in addition to promoting safe usage of modified vehicles in the owner’s choice of recreation.

OMVOC will make recommendations to the government so that modified vehicles will be provided fair and reasonable insurance practices, free of skyrocketing premiums and discrimination towards modifications that are street legal. OMVOC will also use its resources to work with local Police forces and eliminate social profiling that modified vehicle owner’s encounter.

Promoting your passion with the rest of the community will provide our members with a much better approach to the issues that they face. Whether a timeless classic, highly advanced tuner or a lifted 4X4. OMVOC will keep the freedom to own a modified vehicle alive, but this can only come from a unified, supportive organization. Join now – your voice counts, BE HEARD!

Jeffery J. Corradetti – President
John W. Wolak – Vice President
Dennis J. Howard – Treasurer / Board member

So here it is folks. Our FIRST official release to the public! Bear in mind that OMVOC is a REGISTERD non-profit organization and the greater the numbers we have the louder our voice will be at Queens Park! The membership fee is $30 per year and this will put you in our database as well as give you the right to attend OMVOC council meetings.

We will be accepting cash, cheque, money order and PayPal for now. PM me if you are interested in joining. Remember, this is for the benifit of ALL of us! if things keep up the way they are going, you will not be alowed to drive ANYTHING but a bone stock Honda insight that is govened to 100KM/h!

Think about it like this… if you go to your MP and say “I am being harrassed by the police” they take your statement down as a constiuant’s complaint and file it away, never to be seen again… NOW on the other hand, Join OMVOC and when we go to the MPs… we say"we represen 50,000 people" they sit up and listen PERSONALLY to the complaints brought forth."

To effect real change on how the Government, Police and the general public precieve modified car owners we must get behind this and support it. Further to this, I have started in motion a protest to be held at Queens Park with the support of OMVOC, other car clubs and of course people here on SON would be welcome to attend. I will post up more details as they become available but it’s tennatively set for sometime in August. This would envolve a cruise (at the speed limit) from a set point to Queens Park ending by encircling it. The main goal of this would be to show how just because you enjoy modifying your vehicle, your not a street racer and should not be judged as one. It’s a hobby that we all enjoy doing and nothing more. I mean seriously what ever happened to “proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt” as stated in the Criminal Code of Canada.

Anyway I just wanted to make you guys aware of this and hopefully we can count on SON’s support with this as the more people we have the stronger and louder our voice will be! :smiley:

Take care guys.

Easy 8)

What email do I make the EMT out to?

This sounds like a real plan. Thanks Bruce.

And how are you going to ensure that all people who sign up never street race? Because that would sort of throw a wrench in the gears of what you’re trying to accomplish.


Well there’s no real way to actually do that of course. All we can hope for is that the people who do sign up are mature enough to remember we’re trying to change things for the better so I guess you could say, we’ll go on the honor system.

Seriously we can’t monitor everyone’s movements nor would we want and should not have to.

This is for the greater good and if anyone signing up is in fact caught or OMVOC is made aware of illegal activities they most likely will be immediately banned for life.

Solarian - As soon as I have the address info for payments to be mad to I will for sure post it up. :smiley:

Thanks for prop’s Paul I appreciate it and I’ll pass it on. :wink:

this looks good to me.

Looks good, I wonder if it will work though.

What will the treasury be used for?

Treasure! :lol:

Im registered with OMVIC (Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council)!!!

Does that count? :lol:

Haha I’m sure the proximity to the name is no coincidence.


Yep that was the idea behind the name. :wink:

keep me posted on this on sidewayz .i am in for sure

Hey guys.

Sorry I’ve been out of touch for a while but I have been pretty busy.

Anyway OMVOC of course is still happening and in fact, there will hopefully be a meeting this Saturday that I’ll be attending and the way things are looking, I will be on the Board of Directors :smiley: .

If does happen according to plan I will have applications (in a PDF file) along with address where membership fees can be made. For right at the moment it’s only via Paypal but if you don’t have that and want to use EMT, you can send the money to me and then I will forward it off to OMVOC from my Paypal account along with all of your info.

Again let state that OMVOC is a NON PROFIT orginization and the funds collected are to be used to pay for administration cost (IE paper, photocopy/printing, web site domain fees,ect.) as well as helping to set up protest that I’ve mentioned. It will also go to running booths at car shows and advertizing. All of this costs money and we cant do it from our own pockets. Basically the money will be used to keep the organization going and make it bigger. To the Politicians, it’s numbers that matter, the more members we have and the more visible we are, the harder it is to ignore us.

So keep checking back in this thread as it will be updated as soon as I have all the information to pass on about siging up. :smiley:

Take care.

Easy 8)

i’ll be down for this for sure.

Hahah yeah right… :slap:

This all soudns good…but kdis today r really very stupid and ignorant and dont care about anything but themselves and daddy’s money. I realize that i am myself a ‘kid’ being 17… but i have nthign in common with these fools for tools.

They’ve got gasoline for blood, and nitrous oxide for a brain :wink:

I will only believe this si working when i see that some action actually will be taken, until then i need proof personally, i dont knwo about the rest fo you.

WOW, i myself am surprised at how baly i spelled there lol.

My apoligies :slight_smile:

Please refrain from posting anymore, until you improve your grammar.

Can do.