Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council (OMVOC) HUGE UPDATE!

Can do. Ill just type slower, is that good enough?

Yes, don’t listen to Nutta :wink:

yes, sorry for the double posts, it was errors with the enter button and the back button on the webbrowser, it was meant to be one post, but i did it twice…sorry.

think about that explains the lack of clarity and grammar in the 5 posts

This is a really good idea and i’m down for it but i think someone should contact the mustang clubs and the chevy clubs and the camaro clubs, like bruce said the more members the better and everyone is affected by it you get to the domestics and then we have a movement cause as much we are a part of the movement the domestics have been modifying for years and are equally as pissed about it as we are, you get them on board and you will get your numbers


Jordan has the right idea and mind set for this. Remember it’s all about numbers to politicians, so the more numbers we have the better as change can actually start to happen.

Now for those who are interested in joining, please send me an email to jdmpsalesrep@gmail.com ,title it Re: Becoming an OMVOC Member and include your FULL name, address, postal code, phone number(s), email address to contact you at along with your user name her on SON. Also please state if you belong to any car clubs outside of message boards.

As soon as everything has been finalized I can then contact you with the application so you can become a member. :smiley:

Thanks guys and take care.

Bruce 8)

This is perfect… Id been thinking about something like this for quite some time. I want in on this as well. And im not sure how much this matters but a few ideas I had (take from it what you like):

  • Getting Distrubuters\Manufactuers involved
    - Key here is it helps us as an organization and helps them sell more parts

  • Lobby for more Legal track events and more tracks
    - If skaters and BMXers can fight and get skate parks why cant we do the same for our sport

  • Organize with lawers or firms all over canada that we as members could go to who specials in defending these types of “Offences”
    - Once again Helps us and makes being a member all the better and brings them buissness

Now some of this may be unrealistic but once again it was part of the idea I was tossing around when thinking about such a group.

Id like to hear everyones toughts on this.


i think that this is an awesome idea. i hope it works out for all that will participate. i will be reading up on this as it flows along. keep up the good work. and thanks for helping us to stick it to the Man.

Website up with info and what not?

Definetly need a lobby group to help us enthusiasts out.
Too many politicians and un-educated people ready to nail us to the boards.

**** UPDATE ****

Hey everyone.

I know there has’nt been much news on this at all but that was due some internal issues however, things have been sorted out and hopefully OMVOC will continue on as normal.

Now I have contacted by Jeff, President of OMVOC, about taking over in n interm basis as President. He has to relocate out of province and as such, can not continue on in this position. I have not said yes or no as yet however, most likely I will at least untill a new President and Board of Director’s are voted on.

There is a meeting on the 21st of November in which things like street racing and TARGETING MODIFIED VEHICLES, along with other issues will all be discussed and OMVOC has been invited to attend this. Basically we would be the only voice of oppisition to some of these proposed changes to the HTA and powers being granted to the Police. If these changes become law, which can happen right on the spot pretty much (trust me on this) then if you have so much as an aftermarket muffler on your car, you will be deemed a street racer, issued fines or possibley have your car impounded. Going back to the term I use, this is just another example of “SOCIAL PROFILING” in which any and all car tuner is going to guilty without any trial or the persumtion of innocence!

Thanks to kyls from GTRC, I am providing 3 downloadable links to copies of the actual goverment documents that were provided to OMVOC. They are in PDF format so you’ll need Adobe to read them. I will be meeting up with Jeff next week and will have all of the papers. For those who don’t have Adobe, don’t worry as I will scan/host/post up the documents for EVERYONE to view.

Here are the links and PLEASE READ CAREFULLY,




Now part of my goal that I’ve set for myself is to have hopefully 100 paid members signed up with OMVOC and also have those names on a patition that states just opposed we all are to these proposed law changes. Going there with at least that many signatures, gathered in such a short time, will hopefully go a long way to showing how unfair some of these issues. Money paid to OMVOC will go towards things like, laywer fees for drafting papers and documents needed to present the Ontario Government with, advertising and so on. I’ll have more information on this too next week.

This is some serious sh_t guys and will effect all who live in Ontario, Manitoba and BC but we need ALL THE HELP we can from all over Canada. There is strength in numbers and from the regular car tuner, performance shop to car importers need to be apart of this. If in fact the Modified Vehicle idea becomes law, no one will buy any performance parts anymore as it’ll be illegal and thus, result in a ticket. So as such businesses will be out of bussiness as being only able to sell for OFF ROAD USE ONLY is only maybe, 10%-20% of actual sales. There’s not to many of us who can afford to have “track cars” and honestly, I did’nt buy a Skyline to work on only to be able to track it!

Please keep checking this thread, voice your thoughts, oppinions and hopefully your support :smiley: . This is a huge undertaking for me and it’s something I for sure can’t do alone.

Keep us posted Bruce. This effects many of us as you said.
Myself, I still have to get to the track by driving there because I can’t afford a truck. Would suck to get my car impounded while trying to be responsible.


Sooo your saying if they change the law than they will be able to take my car away without any proof of street racing and all this just because i want my car looking nice and being fast?

this is nuts…its like if u see a girl on the street with her cleavage showing, and a nice short skirt…it doesnt mean shes a slut…this is such BS

I hear ya guys, thats why I’m asking for help with this. Ok so there’s always going to be a few rotten apples but that does’nt mean you burn down the orchard!

What I’m hoping to possible do is ask for them not to go this route but rather, work with the people of OMVOC to find a more realistic solution to this matter instead of condeming all modified car owners as street racers.

As well, I’ll mentioning how the idea of taking our events to tracks is a super idea but how it then becomes a trap! I’m sure we all remember a well known car show that USED to take place at the Markham Fair Grounds? People were coming to an event and were all ambushed by York Region Police, OPP and Emisions. The same thing happens at track events too. So yeah thats just wonderfull, tell us to take it to the track, say you’ll support that, only for it to be a trojan horse and have all of us in one place to harass, ticket and pull off the road :twisted: .

This just runs sooooo deeper then I think we all were aware of. True we may not be able to stop some or all of this from happening, but I’ll be DAMMED if I don’t go without a fight!

Maybe I missed something but none of the documents you posted Bruce outline what is “Street Racing”. Nothing in there has anything to do with Social Profiling and if anything, I would support almost every point in the document.

These are mostly all fantastic ideas;

  • doubling fines for street racing from $1000 to $2000
  • empowering police to issue immediate 48-hour license suspensions
  • ban driving with a connection nitrous oxide system
  • etc.

Is there something official that outlines anything that would affect people NOT doing something stupid or “illegal” ?

Did you not notice that all those things said suspicion of street racing? Not if CAUGHT street racing. So Constable Pig F. Asshat can pull you over, and be like: ZOMG, u have aftermarket spinner hubcaps! j00 streetracing n00b! I take away ur car and licence maahahahaha!

fuck that shit , all this is gonna do is cause people to get into police chases more often if they love their car , i know alot of douchebag cops in the k-w area that love to pull modified cars over for no reason and give unwarrented tickets

i dont think they are only in the K-W area lol

We need to sign up and have a big protest in front of the house of parliament to use the old Army base for racing during the summer, they are 3 airstrips not in use. This will lower the amount of street racing and the Government will make some money if they charging an entrance fee. This is a good step forward. But we need to put this in the news, because all they show in the news is the bad side.

“Empower Front Line Officers To Both Issue Immediate 48 Hour Roadside License Suspention And Impound For 48 hours the Vehicles Of Drivers They Have Reason To Believe Were Involved In A Street Race.”


“b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;”
-> Expression. I Express Myself Though My Vehicle.
"d) freedom of association. "
-> I Have A Modified Car. Im A Street Racer? Im White. Does That Mean Im A White Supremacist?
“8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.”
-> Police Officers Are Not Licensed Mechanics. Nor Are They Detectives. How Can They Tell What Is Illegal, How Can The Tell If We Have Been Racing?
“12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.”
-> “Social Profiling” Impounding Cars Because They Are Better Than Others: Sounds Unusual To Me.
“15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.”
-> It Should Read: ‘Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability or Vehicle.’
How Is It That A Car Has Modifications, That It Can Be Pulled Over For It?
Ive Yet to See Anyone Get Pulled Over For An Air Freshener, Or Seat Cover. Why Is It That Rims/ Spoiler Can Get You Pulled Over?