Ontario Modified Vehicle Owners Council (OMVOC) HUGE UPDATE!

those damn pigs and politicians, funny how high end sports cars like porches and lambos and such dont get any discrimination, why? cuz they’re rich its just much easier to pick on some kid hoping to make his car a little faster, man i hate cops much of pansy ass fools making all these whack laws like assuming ur racing if u go 150 or more, 150 aint even fast! whatever man sorry guys, i am just so pissed off about the gov’t trying to destroy what we all love so much. seriously thinking of going to japan one day.

I don’t think you’re allowed to go 150 in japan either…

i think germany is prolly 1 of the only places u can go rediculous speeds without any trouble but thats only on the autobahn.

we should just rally at a city hall somewhere and start drifting and doing burnouts in the parkinglot. show them that they should be glad we dont do that on the streets, show them it could be a lot worse lol

Fixed. I’ve been waiting for a chance to take my beater on a rally, and I don’t feel like driving far up north to do it. We just need to hire dump trucks to unload lots of mud and turn city hall into a decent stage.

parkinglot carshow + rally = :bootyshake::madfawk:

and cause

in other words

im up for it (Y)

what about the carcrushing legislation…
ill admit. if i got pulled over and knew they were gonna crush my car. id do my best to write off as many cop cars as possible… the cars gonna be destroyed anyways. i might as well be the one to do it

A good idea would be to contact a lawyer who would rep. members in court in the event they were falsely accused of “street racing” or speeding.

I’m sure you could work out a good rate if the lawyer had the potential of to tap hundreds of members as clients.

Find one with a Porsche, I’m sure he will understand.

Montana also during daylight hours…

so uh…i’m gonna bump this.

you dontjust bump randoms

well i apologize for being some what interested in this thread. and couldn’t help but notice the last post was in february.

Apparently OMVOC is no longer anyway. I remember seeing a thread by the dude saying he couldn’t invest his time anymore and was scrapping it or something…

so wth, this is lame, we need to start something like this again… wtf… i spend all my hard earned money in modifying my car and enjoying it while driving safely, wtf … i dont want cops giving me shit for owning a modified vehicle… its my damn propert… fucken totalitarian pigs.

i dont know about you guys but i NEVER get harassed by cops EVER… unless i actually brake a traffic law then yes… but just out of the blue NEVER… and my car isnt exactly a stock POS… slammed, rims, exhuast, big ass spoiler and not exactly factory tune… so why is it or rather WHAT is it that you guys are doing to attract soo much attention!??

Where do you live, how old are you and how does your car look? lol Toronto and oakville are trash, some parts of missisauga as well. Are you in brampton? Only place thats cop-infested in my opinion was queen st…

I’ve nevar gotten pulled over for not breaking the law. In my Celica, I got my first ticket for speeding while transporting several large leather chairs that were obstructing my view. Never pulled over in the 240, never pulled over in the Solara, never pulled over in the G. And I live in Woodbridge, cops are supposed to be bad here.

yeah, i don’t know what you guys are talking about… K/W is supposed to be bad too, the only time i’ve been “harassed” i was pulled over for doing 25 over which is pretty reasonable. i was driving a rotten 240 that was louder than a jet taking off and had clearly been in a front end accident, i would have pulled the thing right off the road if i was the cop.

they did a road side safety on it, which it failed miserably because it had been crashed in the front end. no signals, no horn, no day time running lights, no cat, no e-brake, worn tires, drivers seat reclining thing was broken, i had to prop it up with a snow brush, the list goes on and on, awful car. i walked out of there with an improper muffler ticket. oh and i had to go get a trip permit for it because they took the plates that weren’t mine, haha.

i have a theory, i don’t dress like a douche bag, i don’t act like a douche bag, i just dress like an average human being and address the officer as “officer”, “sir” or “ma’am”, no g-unit clothes, sideways hats, any of that shit. all the people that i’ve met that complain about being arrested seem to have a hat 5 sizes too big with a flat brim pointed backwards on an angle… or have found some other way to look like a douche bag.

yeah, that’s my rant.

^ Haha, seconded. Although I occasionally wear sunglasses that make me look like a bit of a douche.