One more year and the STI will be in my drive way

^^ not mine… yet

is that the feint squeek i hear when driving? lol

must be, comes from that area and i can never figure out what the hell it is

i think i want to take a test drive… i might see if there are any 04 STI’s around.

Should have talked to me a week ago when I had the bosses 06 for the week.

You’re more than welcome to take mine for a spin.

^^ same here, just about anyone is welcome to drive the steye.

i called you, and pmed u, you still show no love…

thank you, if i dont find one i will get back with u

thank you, if i dont find one i will get back with u

dan has all the toys, add another one to the stable

Anyone else worried about the 03/04 Oil consumption problem? Xman and Newman both got burned by it.

04/05 and it really hasnt cause me any problems, you just have to check the oil often and always have a quart or 2 on hand.

want to sell the poopra? i have a mole planted close to you… that has been looking for the keys.

what about the evo. and oil problems there for those years.

Everything has a price, although it would be near the price of two STI’s right now.

well i have a son on the way? want one? your car is sweet and you will probly upgrade to a lambo or something $$$ when you get trade up.

PS. not if my mole finds the keys… and dont mind the sound of the truck in ur driveway.

I was very cautious about it until I drove a full day at Cayuga, checked my oil, and found it to be the exact same level as in the morning.

Same at Dunnville, both times last summer.

Wait another year, i might be getting rid of my EVO.