I am familiar with the standard LAMP/WAMP setup, however what are good recommendations for file hosting. The application is a primarily intra net file server that has to be able to auto back up critical directories on several local machines. It should also be able to have permissions based on windows/network id for file access and modification. It does not need to be remotely accessible since the only users that will need remote access already have vpn enabled on their accounts. Oh, and it has to play nice along side mysql since the same box will also be holding several data tables for 2 of our logistics programs that are only accessed at most 10x per day.
Anyone have any suggestions, or can share what they have had success with? I have looked into Clark Connect and Samba, but i want to know if there is anything else that would be better suited.
Oh, and it really doesn’t need to be open source, but since i have to set this up as a demo to show that our system and internal network is capable of handling it i really don’t feel like buying software and having to explain a huge charge on my expense account.