Paradise Lane/ Raintree?

Has anyone ever lived in either the Paradise Lane or Raintree Apartments in Tonawanda?

Let me know what you think about either one…


ive known a few people who lived in raintree… ehhh, they said it was ok.

expensive for what you get, but most apts are like that.

dr stevil lived there. so did greenbulls gf they r pricey

werd, I used to live there. Apartment complex was actually really nice IMO (lived on moonwalk) but the management sucks ass.

They royally screwed me when they found out I wasn’t going to renew my lease. Essentially they told me I was all set when I did the walk through… then decided to charge me for some bullshit and instead of telling me, they sent it to a credit agency right away. :tdown:

Like I said, the place was pretty nice and my neighbors were awesome, but the administrative staff/management were dicks.

just a heads up I guess.

a buddy of mine lived there. it was OK. he had no problems. Praxair’s HR recommends raintree to new hires looking for apartments so there are tons of people from PX living there

I lived on Paradise lane when I was 18 to be closer to college…it was nice but living in Tonawanda sucked.

i hear its a rip off, i know redrum lived there

I live there now, it’s fine.

just another heads up


My mom lived there a few years back, right across from where steve used to live.

Meh, its overpriced for what you get.

You get a pool, and a nice fitness center, but you pay for it in your rent big time.

The apartments are nothing special, and are very expensive.

If you are living in buffalo, and plan to stay here then buy a house. Real estate is so cheap, cheaper than renting.

If you need to rent, there are much better deals to be had.

Yeah I lived there 3 years ago. It was ok for an apartment complex. There was a gym and a pool (if you’d ever use that stuff).

A few thoughts, in no order:

-My apt (large 2br w/balcony) was $800, plus electric.
-It was mostly poor old people (with rowdy children), and college students.
-The third floor floor creaked, so if anyone was walking upstairs you knew it.
-The laundry machines in the basement sucked.
-The laundromat on Colvin there was nice, as was Raintree Convenient store.
-They were good at removing snow.
-It was safe.
-Tonawanda sucks.

I would never live in any apartment complex ever again, but for a relatively cheap one, it was ok.

motion to merge with retard sex thread

was seconds away from signing lease for raintree…

then found out

it’s a fucking rip-off…

grand island… while it may be away from w/e u do… has some greatttt deals for what you get u shud check it out… and its always 1 min away from thruway :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice guys!

Any other apartments that are good around here?

I would love to buy a house, but I’m not looking to stay around after I get my MBA.

pricey for what you get… if you liked the setting try idyl wood on french and union instead much cheaper with more amenities…

I’m moving in there sunday.

My wife, then girlfriend, lived on Paradise for a few years. It was ok, but they didn’t do many updates to the apartments and the rent was kinda high.


Thanks for the advice guys!

Any other apartments that are good around here?

I would love to buy a house, but I’m not looking to stay around after I get my MBA.


Talk to realtors man.

They all have investors who own units that they need rented out.

If you just want a good apartment, without a gym or pool, then you can save alot of money on a place doing it this way.

craigslist has some decent apartments right now

you happen to be checking one out in paradise lane tonight?

my old man used to live in raintree, he hated it but that was years ago, not sure what it is like now