Passat Won't Start

wife just smacked a deer with hers

gotta get new fender

i changed the plugs in it to teh newly recomened hotter plugs runs like a champ

01 passat 1.8t for sale

wow 50 weight thats thick! lucky you dindt snap something

i run 5/30 in hers

wow what you got under the hood a cumins diesal :confused:

Detail first,get a better profit:steelers:

ok deal ill pay you to detail and trade you for your gtp

Ok!..let’s not:bigok:,ATSA:2005-40,ATSA:en&q=passat+starting+problems

That might come in handy,i checked some of those sights…

That’s really too thin-- they run hot oil temps in those babies.

that whats suggested to run in the owners book

Manual? :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Owners book?:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

What year is her Passat?

01 1.8t

5w30 full syn. oil change + new battery (old one had a bad cell) free under warranty. It started right up this morning. w00t!!

Good to hear.

Good shit Brad…

ramping onto a flatbed is a PITA!! i defintely could have towed your car without a single mark on the front lip… wheel lifting. wheel lifting properly won’t cause any dammage + is easier. glad you got it running.

Ya,weavertown guy tore up my fucking front airdamn in my GTP b4. I told him n he said it wouldn’t,well he had to use blocks of woods to get it on…cocksucker!

are you sure the book doesn’t say 5/40?