Payment refusal - advice?

Yeah but then is $100 worth having the guy call the cops, or maybe call his boys and show up at your house or a meet with bats or guns or knives next time.

Unfortunately, you sign over a car ownership it was a cash deal so there is no paper trail. Deal is done, you accepted it and didn’t get it in writing…trying street justice is laughable.

You have very little chance of getting shit but go for the internet call out anyway :slight_smile:

If Osad had balls, he wouldn’t need to bring a buddy or two to the guy’s house, he’d go there by himself.

Remember, the more people you bring with you to a fight / confrontation, the more you look like a pussy.

Over $100 bucks?

Wow, you are a cheap motha F…

It was your responsibility to get the money before hand.

You need the $100 to do other stuff?? What?? A tank of gas and a few Happy meals?

Take it as a lesson, move on be smarter next time.

[QUOTE=khoolie;290534] dont call him or threatn him or anything. just show up, with a bat in ur hand. /QUOTE]

Sounds threatening to me. be polite about it or forget it. No sense in having the cops show up at your house over $100. 100 bucks may not be a big deal to some, but the principal is important to all.

If it’s a point of principal you’re making, don’t wind of a criminal making your point…

perhaps Bing will offer you a deal for dropping the issue.

go take back your h4’s
and call it a day.

and feel lucky you even got 2800 for a car you paid 800 for, and stop being a jew.

and everyone knows burger king > mcdonalds.

LOL that’s not what I paid for that car hahaha!
But I should go steal my H4’s back!

Veloz, Fuck off.

Osad, if you need boyz gimme a shout :wink: playin’, im too old for that shit now.

hope you get your $100, if not, post his name and make it known so other people avoid him.

PS: we need to have more wrestling matches. 145lb Asian man > 250lb Jewish man

I don’t weigh 250lbs u asshole!

Let me have a talk with him Osad, if not than just go have a chat with his parents their pretty reasonable.

Alright thanks polar bear :slight_smile:

Wow,you are mad at me?

You are a joke!

Hell, I don’t even think I know you.
I used happy meals as an example of how insignificant $100 is in the grand scheme of things.

250lbs huh?? I guess you did eat 1 too many happy meals.

I’m also 6"3 and now I am angered. I shall kick you in the teeth.

Post his name. We can then proceed to make fun of him/her over the internets.

No, if he STILL refuses to pay I will take such measures.

dan tell me where he live

ill go talk to him with my fist

Pretty sure you’re the joke. $100 means so little to you? Toss me a C note then… I mean, hey, you don’t really seem to think it a significant amount…

You’d need a car to do that :wink:

You’d need a car to do that :wink:

You could turn that 100 into 1 and 25 odds lottery! or Track Day entrance fee. If you kept a spare key for your old car, Go there and take it somewhere, then part out something worth 100 bux like the motor.

You hit it on the nose my man. Track day fee’s. Thank you!