Payment refusal - advice?

It’s a matter of principle. This person clearly has no sense of common decency if he’s trying to jew someone out of money. When you owe something, you pay it, it doesn’t matter how big or small the amount is. It’s even more ironic that he’s trying to jew a jew out of money :smiley:

Gawd Darnit!

stfu, you’re lowballing scum.

Attention all SON members:

If at any point veloz tries to offer you less than your asking price on any product, you have the right to call him a cheap piece of shit fag.


good point.

though that is the reason why i dont let people take stuff without paying.

Ya I was stupid about that, and I am usually a really nice guy when it comes to things like this, I don’t like to burn bridges or nothing like that. I’ve learned my lesson though!

BTW thanks Dan!

Osad has boys, just not the kind that fucks shit up. He’s more of into the Michael Jackson kind.


Honestly man, its $100. You have 2 options:

  1. Go to him by whatever means you want to take and collect your money.
  2. Say his name on the board and it’ll basically be karma…you got fucked, now he’ll get fucked, badly…with this many people knowing about it. He won’t be trusted.

If we ever meet, be sure to introduce yourself .
Did you help fastback240sx with his tranny a while back?

Who are you?

Yes, it is a $100. My point was that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not worth causing Beef, or call outs etc.

100 / 2500 = 4% of total price.

All in all, he should take it as a lesson and move on.

Just stop by his uncles shop, you’d be surprised how much family can influence a decision.

I will introduce myself. I’m being 100% serious, I bet we will be friends :slight_smile:

Its hard to not be friends with Osad. its like telling a 6 year old you dont like him. Only difference is that this 6 year old is 6’3 and a weighs 250lbs.

He still cries when you tell him that though.

im the guy who called you scum, and a cheap piece of shit fag, remember?

And those were the times of our lives…

I know I’ve never met you.
I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with you.

Empty threats are stupid.
Wagers are more fun.

$100 says I’ll have a better time at the track if we are ever at the same event.

Willing to take that?
Or are you just only comfortable behind a keyboard or in a parking lot?

ahahaha, this is hilarious.

Im gunna up the wager to $200, and guarentee you wont do shit.

you’re just trying to threaten everyone, aren’t you?

See you at the track.

No, I’m usually relaxed.
Actaully, I think you were the one that called me out.

Osad, since I believe this guy is your friend wanna oversee that?

I accept. Details to be discussed later.

Feel Free to PM me.

PS, I am serious


not to cause any issues… but can can we determine this ?

“$100 says I’ll have a better time at the track if we are ever at the same event”

lol ? dan your gay for even responding.

What the hell are you 2 girls argueing over? Veloz, I’m not sure if lewtz is someone I know or his older brother.

We’ll all see eachother at the track you wussies.

That is the stupidest wager i have ever seen on SON. Makes me laugh…what a joke.

Mans are HARD