Instead of sheets, buy blankets. When these nut cases get out of there car, give them the old blanked treatment and toss them in the trunk. Drive up to Niagara falls and push them over the falls. No more protests.

can you even read?

Are you high?

There is nothing wrong with casting out a group that is trying to disrespect a funeral JEG.

so what exactly are you guys protesting? christianity, or just the people with signs or what?



Protesting against the groups picketing display.

EDIT: :picard:

We’re protesting hate.

word. I don’t really know any details about whats going on, just a rough picture of it, so chill with the picard crap.

While I completely disagree with what the people are doing becuase it is wrong on so many levels, I think going there and picketing back is just adding fuel to the fire.

edit: Though I do understand why you’re doing it and I am on your side as far as they are just worthless haters and should be dropped off the falls.

Not when done peacefully and respectfully. The point is to NOT stoop to their level.

Hello JEG? Hello, JEG?

This is Earth. We haven’t had communications with you in a couple years now.

JEG? I think we’re about to give up…

1.) READ
2.) POST

NEVER COMPLETE #2 BEFORE #1. In fact, #2’s use is completely optional and I recommend limiting it as much as possible.

I’m starting to think that the best course of action might be to just ignore these people, that standing against them might be just giving them what they want.


I don’t know. I shouldn’t have voted that I’d be there for sure. I’ve got to decide what I think is right.

There is a whole biker gang dedicated to shielding crazy people from funerals and mourners. Why not? I think its sweet, these people have been through enough already.

thats pretty much what I just said. Adding fuel to the fire.

Yeah, I don’t know. On one hand, if they even show, it’ll probably be like 3 ignorant hicks with signs, so just ignoring them is the best course of action. On the other hand, if I were mourning and that shit was going on I’d want somebody standing up to them.

:tif: I’m on the fence.

Be there but ignore these people. We had a mother fucking briefing about these scumbags when we found out they were coming to intrude on one of our military funerals. Don’t give them what they want. They want publicity, to bother you, to have people talk about them online, to get media coverage if something crazy happens there. JUST IGNORE THEM. It is what we did and it worked out great. The biker crew is ALWAYS there and they (peacefully) block these scummos from getting close enough for you to bother with. Be there to support the people coping with a loss and not because of these fuck sticks. /rant

I’ll be there if this is organized in a way that it promotes non-violent protest. I just want to set up a group of people to block them from the funeral. That’s it. No signs, no yelling, not even talking to them. Just block them so the family members can mourn in peace.

If this can happen, I’ll definitely be there, with as many people as I can round up.