ugh this is why i can’t go, i fucking hate a lot of shit

i like this idea

The only problem is we are not the only people talking about this. I will be there if it is peaceful and organized, but we can’t guarantee that now can we. There are other organizations coming out, and other groups. I do not want in any way to be associated with some ignorant ass hole who is the polar opposite of these freaks that decides being loud and causing a ruckus at a funeral is appropriate. Personally I will decide over the next few day if I am going, and if I am there you can bet I will be wearing a suit and standing quietly in the way of the protesters.

i am really pretty lazy, but is it just me or are the details really lacking in this thread?

i get that we are talking about protesting against people protesting gays, but why are they protesting gays?

I agree. :tup:

I’ll try to find the link, but there is a facebook group for this event that has quite a few people subscribed to it.

Yes instead of signs everyone should just break out into dance around them. Thriller anyone?

Anyone wanna get the gay community involved? So they can picket too saying “God Loves Fags”

These concerns have been addressed as a general rule of “our” protest. Peaceful, but get the message across.

Those who wish to block the picketers in a respectful way, please meet at Clarence Center Elementary (9600 Clarence Center) at around 9AM Sunday morning.

If everyone that shows up in this group will hold poise, I will def. be there.

This is how the bikers block them out and keep it peaceful.

I think that the flags are a great idea as this is a tragedy that is striking all of America not just buffalo. What better to see when you have to walk out of a churh mourning your loved one than a flag flying in place of pure evil hate.

I think you should go with signs that are very large and just blank to block their signs and stand in front of them.

I would go but I don’t know that I could make it more than 1/2 hour without wanting to turn around and scream at them until I lost my voice.

This is like a mini tutorial from the Guard on what they do and how it is effective:


i would be there if I was home :frowning:




I knew about this group, but never paid any real attention to them. I can see Fry’s point about being on the fence whether or not to even acknowledge their existence, but the fact is they are there and grabbing attention, so I am willing to help block their protest.

American flag would be a nice display, BLANK white signs to block their signs would not be disrespectful, but would be nice to block the message they are trying to put out to the media/victims families…

Is spitting in the face of someone illegal?

That would be my weapon of choice.


Well, if you’re going to do it anyway, make sure you don’t brush your teeth. Make sure it’s worth it.

This would be the money shot of all money shots:

LOL. Someone please post how many nyspeeders actually show.
