Well, If ten say they are going there will be 2, if 20 say they are going there will be 3 etc…



I agree, but it might attract the wrong crowd. I cant really see Shred and Regan advertising a PEACEFUL protest, but maybe I am wrong…

I considered calling them as people will be peaceful if shredd and regan tell them to be… but some people are all about getting on tv or bringing out cameras and harassing these folks, and it is not needed at something like this. There will maybe be 4-5 of them, if they even show up and a small group of us and the others that are coming out will be able to contain that.

I know what you mean. I would want someone to stand up to them, but I wouldnt want that many people causing a huge scene on an already dismal day in my life ya know.

I really can’t decide what the right thing to do is. You ignore a child who’s being a brat for attention right? I certainly don’t want to spend my Sunday legitimizing something as ludicrous “Funerals = worshiping the dead” and “God hates silly women who work for human rights” which is what these protests are supposedly about.

Good to hear that there are people that will do that.

That’s really great of them to do, I’m astounded.

The only thing that bugs me about this is that people are more interested in making the trip down there to shut these people up than they are to pay their respect to the victims and their families.

With that said, I’m doing neither :tif:

I don’t often go to the funerals of people that I don’t know and have no connection to. :bloated:

unless its to pick up hotties! (unless ur married, which is lame)

Eh, it’s Buffalo. I don’t know anyone personally on that plane, but if you add up everyone that was on it that my friends/family does know, it’s almost half the plane.

I don’t think making a trip to a funeral like that would be very weird.

It is sort of disrespectful to attend the funeral of someone you don’t know. I think we would be doing a better service by enforcing a respectful scenario as opposed to just “shutting them up”

Well said.

post fliers in front of Marcella talking about whats going on, see how many gays show up! lol

also for protesting, people should pitch in money and buy one very very long and tall white sheet, place broom sticks to hold it up in the air, now you have one very very long white sheet blocking them, and you stand on the other side of the sheet so your not even looking at the fucks, instead your facing the funeral.

or everyone turns there backs on them in a line with white on the front and words on the back saying they are not wanted here.

Fuck it. I’m out. A couple of reasons:

-Their justifications “Don’t worship the dead” and “God hates silly women” are such a reach that I find it hard to believe that any of their members will actually fly up here. I’m skeptical that they’ll even show.
-If they do show, I’m betting that their numbers will be so small that the anti-protest will draw more attention than their protest.
-They’re blatantly just trying to get attention, so I’m not going to give it to them.

So I’m out. I’m not convinced that blocking them isn’t the right thing to do, but I’m going to fight them by ignoring them.

Besides, if I want to spend time on Sunday fighting unintelligent attention whores I’ll just log on here.

The UB free thinkers have organized the same thing that you have. I will link the facebook invite when I get home tonight. They are calling for a peaceful protest as well. No douche bags allowed policy.

Just do what the bikers do, I’m sure there will be some there anyway. Grab your flag, form a wall. Done.

Im out, by what fry said and plus with people from UB gunna be thier thats way to many people for an anti protest.

Would it be possible to just block these people from being seen? Like stand around them with signs just blocking them.Or use two poles or something and a big sheet and wrap the poles in the two sides of the sheet ( like in black sheep when they tried getting the bat out of the house) and just get some people and stand in front of them? Or is there some legal issue there? i mean its not like your doing anything but blocking them from being seen. I know someone alreayd mentioned blocking with signs but wouldnt using a big sheet be more effective? its peaceful and i cant see how it would be illegal. Just stand infront of them blocking them from view from where the memorial service is being held.