Christ so many selfish drivers in this thread. the farther left the faster you should be. use your fucking blinker and think about others on the road and their intentions.
Problem solved
PS I really hate how when you have two lanes coming in to one (with equal entitlement to the lane) everyone feels like they have to be before the car… fucking 1 car for 1 car from each lane… that drives me crazy when people box out others cause they HAVE TO be in front of someone else… so much that I followed someone for over a mile with the horn screaming lol. Oh road rage how i hate thee… at least I don’t cut off people and put them in dangerous positions.
well that move would put you back in the asshole position lol
I really hate how when I’m driving through Rochester and I see another e30 and I wave and scream and honk my horn but it turns out to be an old man. At least here in buff they wave back lol
All you guys are on. There is a plethora of douche-baggery around. I just got done driving from Buffalo to Arizona and I can tell you as a whole people drive much better out here on the interstates. They actually drive in the left moving left only to pass. HOLY SHIT! that’s a novel concept!
i hate when there is a construction zone with 15 different signs every 50 ft that say lane merge. Yet you still get 5-10 people that like to go flying past you in the ending lane and then try to cram themselves in and merge into the lane where people have already moved over.
I hate the douche bags that slow way down to pass a truck on the I90… take at least a min to build up the courage to pass and then (this is the part I really hate) they speed back up to 75 or higher untill they get to the next truck where they slow back down to 60.
I’m getting pissed just thinking about it! The only way to get around these A-holes is to speed up to 90 and pass on the right. I just want to set my cruse at 77 and go. WTF!!!
once on the 90 there was this db going slower than he should have been in the left lane. I noticed 3 or 4 people pass him on the right. so what do I do? I get right on his ass for a few miles. I cant remember if I flashed my lights and/or honked. Whatever I did my girl was yelling at me to stop. So I ended up passing him on the right too. wtf is wrong with people?
p/s. I only use my blinker if there is someone to notice it but if I do use it its before I brake like you are supposed to.
When someone is making a left out of a parking lot and stops and covers one whole side of the road so no one can get by or when you a car pulls out in front of you when there is no one behind you at all and forces you to slam on the brakes. FUUUU!!!
I hate the people that are too much of a pussy to go into the roundabout until there is not another car within a mile of it. JUST FUCKING GO! If there is a car at the complete other side you have plenty of time to merge in there and he won’t even have to slow down. Those things work when people know how to use them, but nobody gets it. My luck I get behind that same asshole through all 4 roundabouts.
How about the people who don’t stay stopped at a stop sign, driveway or parking lot exit. They keep rolling and end up halfway in the road by the time you drive by. You end up slowing down or swerving because it appears they are going to pull right in front of you, because that seems to happen a lot.
So what you guys are saying is that your in the left or passing lane and not passing traffic, because the right lane was open enough for the person to pass you on the right?
Yea, drive slow in the passing lane, and I’m gonna be that asshole, cause I gotta work my car around 10 assholes ever morning to get in the clear on the 90 on the way to work. I have an hour drive, I’m not waiting behind a pile of people that just love doing 3mph over the limit in the left lane. I have places to be.
Not everyone is just driving the normal commute. There are people that have been driving all day or night from all over the country that have to pass 400 “left lane assholes” along the way that just won’t move. After about 20 of them you just wish you had a gattling gun on the front of the car.
Not everyone just woke up, got in their car and has been driving just 5 minutes.
Twice a month I have to drive the commute from Buffalo to Albany. I can make it in 3.5 hours if the traffic is cooperative. Once it took me almost 5.5 hours due to the left lane slow bastards causing traffic to back up 30+ cars, cruising the speed limit forever.
I absolutely agree… I drive consistantly 15 over the speed limit… no one ever passes me yet when there is space in the right or middle lane I always go over, then I’ll pop back into the left lane. Sure if its 100 yards to the next car and its an inevitable pass I’ll stay in the left lane. But if there is a mile or more than 300yards between cars I move back over.
I do this all the time. One time it was in the snow and he actually pulled me over. Fucker.
It has been said before, but people who do not pull all the way into the turning lane to make a left turn. I hate that shit. Or people who don’t use their blinkers. I hate so much. Or the asshole going 60 in the left lane on the thruway. I HATE YOU. HATEEEEEEEEE.
For a person who loves to drive, I sure hate a lot of things about it.