People that annoy you. FTL

Only if I say dumb shit like you did above :thumbup

people that annoy you: men who disrespect women.

People that annoy me: Women who don’t know their place

nah, if ur going to carry on in this conversation bring it to the “this is why we dont have nice things” joe jiggs thread. thats where you men belong

^ oh shit :lol

One thing that annoys me:
A girl that loves sucking cock but won’t swallow.


People who sell shit for way over the value of it, then when they need a new part (main relay), wont pay retail price for it even when its not all that expensive.

And what he ^ said.

NO. MY girl is intelligent.

Tracey, wayne is a lucky guy :rofl

Oh and it is quite fucked up that an immigrant can pledge citizenship in their own language now IIRC… :Idiots

and +1 to wimmenz who love cock but dont swallow

Drivers on the thruway that see you comming up on them much faster then their going don’t move… THen ONCE YOU DO PASS they decide to get into the next lane.

Also dislike woman who wont get their hands durttyyy doing anything

you are that fuckin dumb aint ya ?do ya realize that at the right these imports are comin in that english will be the second or third number on a teleprompt . im a very firm beliver that imports ned to leanr it

Or how about the person who’s been following behind someone in the middle lane for miles contently, then when you approach them from behind in the middle lane and throw on your signal to pass they throw their signal on as well and move out to the left. And of course they don’t speed up to your speed, or even a courteous passing speed. They instead take several minutes to slowly creep by causing you to slow down, and other faster motorists to catch up and cause a blip of congestion due to one persons inability to properly pass.

im hungry

Having till wait till 4, to have lunch with dad and sister, when hungry NOW.

Getting to work and being told I am working downtown today, thus extending my day by an hour, prolonging the start by 40ish minutes (when I’m already in a shirt and tie) and making me angry. On a good note, walked around Jay Street on lunch, bought a bonsai tree and some cigars.

Not speaking english continued.

I went to court one day. I followed some mexican dumb fuck in, yapping away on his cell phone as we walk up to the court. He stopped at the metal detector, becasue the sign said please wait for officer. He can read example #1. Cop comes and said please empty your pockets and walk through, he does. He can read example #2. We enter the court, now he tired to play stupid. Walks right past the guy asking him to sign in. and sits down. They guy asks him again to please sign in, and hold up the clip board. Stupid mexican walks over and signs it. Judge calls the guy up and asks. “Jose did you bring the translator this time”? Jose says “no”. judge says "Jose I told you to bring one the last time you were here, do you know a translator?. Jose says “no, no”. Judge calls the police to send a spanish speaking cop to translate.

that stupid mother fucker tried to play the judge. He damn well knows how to speak english, I fuckign heard him on the way in and saw him at the metal detector. Cock sucker piece of shit. I know the judge, I grew up with his kids. I get his attention when I went to pay the fine, and wispered told him what I just said above to the side of the stand so Mexicant cant hear us. LOL he said, “I know mike, he pulled this shit last week too. The cop I called to come translate is actually coming to arrest him this time!” hhahahaha GOOD!

thats some sammy sosa shizznit right thur.

Girls who dick around rather than saying they are/aren’t interested. Don’t play games, just be straightforward. That is much more attractive than you “playing hard to get” or giving me blue balls.





Apparently you have never met Wayne.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofll

They aren’t playing hard to get, they are just using you for food/rides/all of the above.

+rep for your prior post hahahahahaha!!

And yeah, they <3 attention.

I think we can sum it up with on word: Women.