Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

can you guys suggest some way to help me get rid of the fat around my lower abdomen. I been tryin to get rid of it for awhile. Im starting to develope my abs but its just sit there laughing at me haha

in men the lower abs are the last place you will lose fat. there isnt anything you can do to lose it except lose fat over your entire body.

well thanks for the good news haha.

im starting to make my own workout room the the basement. nothing great but should help get the job done.

ya i know what you mean. ive never in my life had ripped lower abs.

Yep…dit is everything to get rid of fat. I have a decent setup in my basement too. I have a Olympic bench that goes incline, decline, flat, preacher curls, leg extension/curls, and squat rack built on. I also have a lat pulldown machine and a home gym machine. I think with a bench like mine and a olympic curl bar you can get a solid routine down…if you get a lat pull down machine that will help too.

I need to get some stuff into my basement like that… right now i work out at club julian by my house but theyre free weight room is the size of my closet. The only reason I go there is b/c i work full time and go to school full time and theyre the only 24hr gym around… but a set up like you have would be good to have with a nice set of dumbells.

wet area > your life

I feel you on the school full time and work full time…the only way I managed to get something in was I took a weight lifting class. Not really a class juts had to sign in and lift weights…they took your bodyfat% and a small fittness test at the beg and end and that was it. So if you could do that…that would be good. But for your house if you have the room just a good bench with the attachment that mine has should be good enough with an olympic weight set. I mean not the best but enough to get the job done. I got my bench for like 170 or so and a 300 lbs weight set for 100 and the curl bar for 20…so for 300 or so total you can have a decent setup. I am lacking on dumbells though…I just have a cheap set from then I was younger but it is enough to do a few various exercises with (curls, side raises, calf raises, ect) but I have to do one arm at a time b/c I do not have enough standard weights.

Ya i worked at G&G fitness a couple years back and shoulda bought stuff then when i had the discount but didnt/ and still dont really have the space for anything. It might be time to start throwing out everything int he basement to make room…hmmmm

wet spot>2tone


come on guys this is a decent thread please dont ruin it


man haven’t been in here for a while, this thread took off

finally got a curl bar tonight…my arms are gonna be ripped! :smiley:

I like curl bars alot. I know with a straight bar when curling heavy my wrist/forearms would be in some serious pain after. I also use mine for triceps and various other lifts too. But for biceps you can get awsome results from DB rows, BB rows, chin ups, and lat pulldowns will do and will hit up your back at the same time. For triceps I do cable tricep pushdowns, close grip bench, reverse grip bench and use my curl bar for skull crushers. Also just benching and shoulder pressing will hit up the tri’s pretty good too.

I can usually only get in 1 set ot DB curls after my back workout, and maybe a set of straight bar curls, but that’s pretty rare. My arms get a great workout from the rows and stuff like Bics said. :slight_smile:

I used to train back with bi’s and chest with tri’s…but it was time for a change. So now I do chest/back, then legs, then shoulders/traps/cleans, then bi’s/tri’s. I have been doing it for 2 months now and like it so far.

I’ve never had better form on a reverse curl than now

I’m using it for skull crunchers too, I love it

a curl bar really helps with relieving stress from the wrist, but I don’t like them that much. A wide grip on a straight bar gives my biceps the best work and skullcrushers with dumbells FTW.

what is a reverse curl?

its gripping the curl bar with a reverse grip and curling. so instead of your palms facing up they would facing down. reverse curls are for forearm development moreso than bicep.
