Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

Yea it is some what new. Everything I ever read and learned from other people always said failure was key and it is good for some HIT and go past failure every once and a while. But I research CNS overtraining and it implies that training till failure is good but to do it every w/o is bad. There are a ton of articles on the web on the subject. I am not 100% “sold” but there studies behind it. Training till failure and espically past failure has yielded decent results for me. So from time to time I stop 2 reps b4 failure.

if you have a weak lower back, and want to develop a bigger upper back, do these exercises1-stand in front of a lat pulldown, grab the bar as wide as you can, and with your arms straight, pull the bar down to your waist. this totally fries your lats, its like a pullover, but your standing. 2-same position, stand in front of the lat-pulldown, grab the bar wide, and pull the bar back to your shoulders, it is important to these with very good from, and very light weight, as these will really fry your back if done right.




Lately I’ve been looking for an alternative to caffiene after experiencing somewhat poor diet and stress related symptoms. Lady at the gym gave me a trial pack of Mochatonix. This stuff is the real deal! Gives me energy, focused, actually made my headaches and some muscle soreness go away without the “high/buzz” up and down affects of caffiene and tylenol. I’m going to buy this as an alternative to coffee and Mt. Dew in the morning.


too bad that lady was a nutjob

So what is everyones goals? I would like to weigh a solid 220-230 by spring. For me that would be good. Now I am at 205 and 6’ 1/2" so I am a little thin. And of course to gain more strength along the way…no specefic #s

bics 56, i can get you to that goal within 4 months at the most. and to anyone who wants to bulk up, trim down, or whatever, let me know. i have workout plans for almost anything.

15 to 25 pounds of lean muscle in 4 months? that is a bold statment to make when you have no idea of this individual’s genetics and training experience. a workout plan is just a guideline and WILL need to be tailored to each individual utilizing it.


it can be done. my lifting buddy put on almost 30 ponds in 7 months, drug free. if he has the desire, i can do it for him. if lee haney trains you and then you eat fast food, drink, and smoke up allday, your not going anywhere. but if someone says they want to put on muscle, and from his previous posts, he seems to be into working out, so im assuming he takes pretty good care of his body, and eats semi-healthy. working out is only 1/3, the other 2/3 are diet and cardio. most weight gaining programs cover everyone. low reps+heavy weight+food+ sleep=muscle growth. i have never seen that equation not work.

I am an ISSA certified trainer. I have also taken numerous nutritional courses to supplement the lack of knowledge the ISSA provided me in that field. I was personal training at the GREENTREE SPORTSPLEX for over a year before i decided it was no longer for me.


I never said that it could not be done or that this individual wouldnt achieve your goal of 15-25lbs of lean mass in 4 months.

I have a very hard time believing that someone drug-free put on 30lbs on lean muscle in 7 months. your partner may have gained 30lbs in overall mass but there is no doubt in my mind that fat is part of his gain.

a small fact you might enjoy is that even pro bodybuilders who are using steroids only can put on in the area of 25lbs of lean mass in a year. this is with proper training, strict nutriton, lots of rest and steroids.

i have much more i would like to type but i am tired tonight and have class at 8am. i will make sure to come back and finish my post.


I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to fitness. I have been lifting since HS (am 26 now) while taking some breaks…I learned a lot and realize I still have some to learn. I also realize 15-20 lbs of lean muscle by spring will be tough to get. I realize when it comes to gaining size or losing fat diet is 75% of the equation. I have always used the rule that for most people 2-3 lbs of muscle in one month is what to expect with a smart gameplan and hard work.

So here is my gameplan. I am going to try to “bulk” for a month and then “cut” for a month all while eating as clean as possible. I figure in one month I can put on roughly 7 lbs or so then when I run my cut I can shed off the fat I gained. And keep repeating that until I am a manchild. Now I thought about bulking all winter and towards spring running a cut cycle…but I really don’t want to gain too much fat at a time. I also thought about running a slow clean bulk but I honestly don’t think I can keep a good diet for that. It would be easier for me to eat a ton of clean calories when bulking and less calories when cutting. So that is my diet plan.

For my lifting plan I plan on lifting mostly in the 7-10 rep range for most exercises. Different bodyparts reps may vary. But while I am on bulk cycles I plan on lifting pretty intense and throwing in some HIT as well (drop sets, rest-pause, ect). Then on my cut cycles I will train intense but no HIT…but I realize in order min muscle loss while cutting you have to train hard and not to drop you protein intake as well. Here is my routine layout and I try to lift at least 50% of the days in a month (you need rest for muscles to grow). Please note days I am doing HIT, for whatever exercise i choose i only do 2 sets.

Day1 Chest/Back
All exercises are 3 sets and reps of 7-10 and add weight every set
BB or DB Bench
Incline BB or DB Bench
Lat pull down or pull ups
Depending on time I sometimes do some flies and other form of lat pulldown

Day2 Legs/DL’s
Adding weight each set
Squats 3X8-10
DL’s 3X5-6
Leg Curls 3X8-10
Calf raises 3x10-12

Day3 Shoulders/Traps
Adding weight each set
Shoulder presses 3X7-9
Power Cleans 3X5-7
Side/front raises 3X8-10
Shrugs 3X10-12

Day4 Arms
Adding weight each set
EZ curls/preacher curls 3X8-10
close grip/reverse grip Bench press 3X8-10
DB curls/hammer/incline 3X8-10
Skull crushers/tricep extensions 3X8-10

Thats my overall plan…I left out some details but you should get the idea…what do you guy’s think? Oh ya for supplements I am taking Ester creatine, protien, and a multi

Do you have any experience with this product?

i dont have any personal experience. i found that the main ingredient is Advantra Z.

here is some very good info on advantra Z:

the workout is your problem. getting big and cutting toned are 2 different worlds. if you want to get big, you have to lift big and eat big. you will put on some fat, but that can come off with a few weeks of cardio. train 1 bodypart per day, and do around 5-6 exercises, 4 sets of each, and no more then 6 reps per set. increase your protein to around 400+ grams per day, and keep your carbs/fat less then 20% of total calories eaten per day. also, start taking cell tech. it will blow you up fast. i put on 6 pounds in one week. also, glutamine is very imortant now, as you will be lifting heavier, you will need to help your muscles recover. when you lift, try to do mostly free weights at first, as they get you bigger then machines. i am ace certified, and am ranked #in the state for lifetime drug-free powerlifting@275/308#. i also train a few amatuar bodybuilders, so after you bulk up, i have some tips on cutting you down fast.

increase your protein to around 400+ grams per day

wrong. your just increasing the stress on your kidneys and wasting protein. its not about the amount of protein you consume in a day. the goal is getting the right types of protein in your body at the correct times of the day.

and keep your carbs/fat less then 20% of total calories eaten per day.

that is insane to keep your carbs and fat the low while your trying to build mass. you do realize that carbs replenish glycogen stores in your muscles. glycogen is the energy source for your muscles during a workout. so with your recommended diet i would be suprised ifsomeone could even recover and make it to their next workout.

also, start taking cell tech. it will blow you up fast. i put on 6 pounds in one week.

cell tech is the biggest marketing gimmick in the entire supplement industry. cell tech is nothing more than creatine monohydrate with sugar used to create an insulin spike. the insulin spike cause by the sugar is supposed to help shuttle creatine to the muscles. this way is a very inefficent way to get creatine to the muscles.

also the amount of creatine per serving is ludacris. your average 200lb person can only absorb 2-4 grams of creatine at any given time. there are 10 grams on creatine in each serving of cell tech so that means 6-8 grams are wasted in digestion.

the instant weight gain is cause by the creatine monohydrate. creatine monohydrate cause your muscles to absorb and hold more water that you normally would. this water retention causes a puffy fuller but less defined look. the actual muscle gain in from creatine in the first week or two is very minimal.

also, glutamine is very imortant now, as you will be lifting heavier, you will need to help your muscles recover.

glutamine is an important amino acid because your body can use it to create every other essential and non-essential amino acid. glutamine should be taken with a BCAA supplement or your protein shake before bed.

when you lift, try to do mostly free weights at first, as they get you bigger then machines.

not true. the reason BEGINNERS see slightly greater gains with free weights is becaused you are forced to use stabilizer muscles. INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED bodybuilders need a mix of free weights, machines and isometric work to continue growing.

i am ace certified, and am ranked #in the state for lifetime drug-free powerlifting@275/308#. i also train a few amatuar bodybuilders, so after you bulk up, i have some tips on cutting you down fast.

i really dont believe you. the reason i dont believe you is because your wording and thoughts are that of a BEGINNER. you have limited or no explanations for any of the things you suggest.

If you have proof of your ranking i would like to see it. although your ranking doesnt make any sense the way you worded it.



hmmmm interesting

as for goals? really I have none, just to lean out a little more

let me see your fitness resume. cell-tech is overrated? oh, i guess the million plus containers a year muscletech sells is a fluke. and what do you mean a beginner. should i use really big words? i forgot to put the #3 in my lifting ranking. oh, and 400+grams of protein a day are wrong? so all the bodybuilders, powerlifters, musclemag, muscle & fitness, flex, planet muscle, they are all wrong also?
find me one bodybuilder who doesn’t consume twice his bodyweight in protein. find me one bodybuilder who doesn’t keep his fat’carbs low. find me one powerlifter who doesn’t lift in the 4-6 rep range. i have proof. look at any of the magazines i mentioned. go to npc.com, see what supplements they recommend. see what workout plans they recommend in any of those magazines to put on size. better yet, lets both give him a workout plan for 6 weeks, and see which one puts more size on him. from his 1st post, he wants size and bulk, free weights do that. machines are great, but they do not help that much in gaining mass. they help, but free weights have an edge. you work more stabilzer muscles with free weights. and in case you haven’t noticed, its 2006, not 1998. your body can actually absorb over 50 grams over protein per serving now, not the urban myth 40, your body can process 10 grams of creatine, not the urban myth of 2-4, and out of all the aminos, glutamine is the most important for muscle recovery. take some time and read some new fitness books before you try to make yourself smarter then me. oh, and by the way, if you were really a smart trainer, you wouldn’t have had to go through issa. thats only for people who couldn’t pass ace.

I love free weights, never used a machine