Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

youd be suprised at the people who just throw on their workout weight and go at it. these are the same people who are always complaining about joints hurting and pulling muscles. i thought it would be worth it just to mention it.


you want to take something like 20 grams of whey isolate/concentrate and 20 or so grams of a slow releasing source like casein.

an easy way to do this is by just taking a whey shake with skim milk. milk is a good source of slow releasing proteins. the reason for the slow releasing protein is to feed your muscles as long as you can during the night.


I have been lifting for a while now…always do a warm up set…but worth mentioning it not only for me but in case anyone but us actually reads this thread.

About the carb timing…can one of you let me in how to time my carbs better. Like I said b4 I read that after you work out along with protein will help rebuild your muscles. You ever hear of this?

okay so i guess ill list my goals for this winter/spring.

right now im around 175-180lbs, 5’4 tall and 10ish% bodyfat. i took the month of august off and drank like a fish but its time to go at it again.

i feel that i have good mass so my focus is to lean my physique out. i would like to be the same weight i am now but about 4-5% bodyfat. so im looking at gaining about 10lbs of lean mass and dropping 10 pounds of fat.

my first 6 to 8 weeks back is going to be a MASS phase to get a little size that i lost back and hopefully gain some more size.

the next 8-12 weeks i am going to focus on my core and small muscle groups to bring out the definition when i cut. ill still be trying from hypertrophy but just on a smaller scale. there are a few places that need more attention like my traps and rear delts.

whenever i feel that i have put on the desired mass then it will of course be the cutting phase. when i cut i strive for two 1 hour cardio sessions daily for 6 days a week.

i havent really sat down planned out my MASS routine because im busy with school. i should have it doen sometime this week so when i do, ill post it up.


yep. what i got into the habit of doing was eating 3-4 slices of WHITE bread right after my workout with my protein/creatine/glutamine shake.

if you are looking for a good after workout shake check out AFTERMAX by Optimum Nutrition.

when you consume your carbs is also dependant on when your workout will take place.

Right now I am taking this for protein http://atlargenutrition.com/nutrition_detail.php?products_id=1

I usually eat dinner at 7 or so and lift at like 8-9…so after i lift I should eat some bread? What about just drinking dextrose with water after i lift?

If I eat before I workout :barf: especially before running. I always hold out till after but everyones different.

you could do the dextrose in water post workout. you dont have to worry about those carbs turning into fat because they will be used to replenish your muscle’s glycogen stores.

Thats just when i have time…I work till 5…get home at 6…eat at like 7…chill a little and lift. One the weekends it all depends on what I have going on

i am the same way. i can not eat whole food pre workouts. i usually drink a MRP(meal replacement powder) 30 minutes of so preworkout though unless im in a cutting phase.

Here is an awsome article I found about post workout intake


Most of the diet for making muscle gains or fat loss centers around keeping insulin levels as level as possible. If you can, elimanate anything “white” from your diet, such as granulated sugar, white bread, white rice. Fruit on the other hand is good for you, but try to keep to fruits low on the glycemic index. Check the glycemic index for hints about what carbs are better than others.

Further taylor the diet to lifting and non lifting days. On lifting days try to take a protein shake and some carbs about an hour before your workout. Post workout try to get some high sugar carbs like a cocktail of grape juice, creatine, and glutamine powder within 15 to 20 minutes of completing the workout. Try to eat a high protein meal within the next 30 minutes. Try to keep the meal low in fat. Fat blocks or inhibits protein absorption.

On your off days, spread your meals evenly over the entire day and make sure they are balanced properly. A good tip is to match carbs to protein. 40grams of protein to 40 grams of carbs. Fat is necessary, just be sure to add good fats.

Another tip is to take your supplements to coincide with your body’s production of testosterone. You could even try to complete your workouts when your test levels are highest for a chance of improved gains. Testosterone is released at night about an hour after falling asleep, and levels are highest in the morning or after sleeping for 7-8 hours.

As far as celltech goes, I would just buy the creatine, glutamine and grape juice or dextrose separately and then custom taylor them to your diet. It is also cheaper.

if anyone needed to anything about supplements/nutrition, i think the threads have covered it all.

anyway, i’ll list my workout goals:

on may 1st, i weighed 306lbs.(im 6’1) not fat, but a little belly. i was having extreme pain in my elbows and knees. i found out that i have arthritis in both knees, and tendenitis in both elbows. so for the next few months, i am giving up on powerlifting. as of today-aug-29th, i weighed 262lbs.

i plan on going down to around the 230’s. i still bench semi-heavy, but not as heavy as usual. i am still doing one muscle per day, the only diffreence is i do cardio in the morning, and after my workout. i also stopped taking cell-tech for a while. i am trying to enter a natural bodybuilding show in the spring, and if i like it, i might give powerlifting forever. my joints already feel a lot better, its just a matter of swallowing my pride and not trying to out lift everyone at the gym right now.

Good work on cutting down…44 lbs in 4 months…11 pounds a month is solid…hopefully you didn’t lose too much muscle while doing so. I lost 12 lbs in a month with a very strict diet. As for the swallowing you pride thing who cares as long as you are hwere you want to be. I never really concerned myself with how strong i am with others…I am happy with where I am now strength wise and could care less if someone can out whatever me. I am just focusing on putting on lean size now.

That is some outstanding weight loss, what was your plan? Did you just clean up your eating, and do cardio, or was there more to it?

Regarding my own fitness, I ran this morning for the first time in quite a while, and let me tell you, I was struggling. I went about 2.5 miles total, but I walked a lot. I’ve been lifting semi-consistently for the past year or two, but running is a whole different ballgame.

I don’t have much to contribute to the thread, I was just posting personal experience. I look like I’m in good shape, but didn’t realize how far off I was with cardio. I guess that’s not something you can judge by looks. I am about 5’7" 150, so I don’t need to lose any weight, I’ve been trying to gain for a while, and that’s part of the reason I wasn’t doing any cardio.

Maybe I’ll lift legs tomorrow…I’m sure that will help the stiff/sore feeling that I know is coming.

Being that you want to gain some size i would quit running. If oyu want to work on “getting in shape” I would do some HIIT…for example sprint 100 yds then walk for a little bit then sprint another 100 yds…and so on. That will get you back in shape and reduce the 3 of calories you burn. But for size bench, squats, DL’s, cleans, and shoulder presses are a must…all while eating a ton.

i always ate healthy, but im eating like a bodybuilder now. i cut my carbs in 1/2, and increased my protein by a 100 grams per day. when i powerlifted only, i ate very healthy, but i was eating over 7,000 calories a day with no cardio. now im eating under 3,000 a day, and im doing cardio. i didn’t lose any muscle size yet, it has been pretty good so far. i lost about 5o lbs. off my bench, but thats it.

my goal over the winter is to finally get to my bench goal (300#). Not like that’s written in stone or anything, it’s just a number I picked last year. I started working on my legs a lot more also, I was getting bigger on top, but have chicken legs. :frowning:

I really just want to tone up and keep my back from hurting.

300# is a sweet goal…where you at now? When you can press 225 for an easy 10 reps that is a sign you should be there. If you need a lifting partner I live fairly close. Smokey lifts with me when he has time too.

I was at 260 at the beginning of the year, now I am probably around 250. I can usually get 225 for 5-6 on the final set.

My problem is I do not have a lifting partner or a spotter, so I really can’t push the free weights like I did last year when I lifted with my brother. I just joined complete fitness by the airport, it’s a nice gym but it’s pretty crowded at the times i go.