Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

Oh no I am not worried…I was just mentioning that as a " con " to running on the track versus on the cross trainer which there is obviously no impact. I am just looking to make the MOST of my workout…

Actually it can, I can not run on a track or treadmill because of the impact. I have compartment syndrome in both legs, one compartment had to be cut 11 inches open and left the skin and everything open for 5 days in the hospital to let the swelling expand and contract. Then the skin was sewn shut and the compartment left open by about 9 inches. The other shin has not been cut yet and if i run for any period of time the muscle swells extremely.

but i guess im sort of a rare case.

The eliptical is not natural to my stride but close enough that i can finally do some “running” again.

none of those work the muscles Devin wanted to hit, so I threw some skull crushers into the workout.

i love isolation exercises… skull crushers are great for tris, but i do like single arm cable extensions. i do isolation curls for bi’s too as well as cables.

As far as toning up goes…for girls i guess…just goin by what i see some of the more “toned” girls at my school gym doing, they do a complete body exercise routine with alot of cable/pulley related exercises and a good ab workout along with running. thats alot of work to do in one day at the gym so i would split that up over the week somehow. the concept is simple, just work every muscle group. i’m not sure but i think they were shooting for 10+reps which i always was told/read that higher reps at lighter weights are great for toning.

yeah sounds like we are going in the right direction with our current workout then…and yes HIGHER reps…LOWER weight

yeah, i think i heard all that stuff he posted somewhere b4 :stick:

j/k but I did finally sell Devin on doin more reps and not worryin about how much weight is on it as much. We tore it up Saturday.

:crying: rowing machine for j00! 30 min.

:bash:actually you hit almost every muscle on your body with those three movements …triceps get hit pretty hard on bench press. Compound movements are the best way to put on size fast. Don’t get me wrong, I like some isolation…but overall compound movements are the way to go. Flat BP, Incline BP, standing shoulder presses, dips, and close grip BP I would do before skull crushers. (I wouldnt do all on the same day tho.)

For “toning”…THIS IS A FUNCTION OF BODY FAT!!! If you want to look more defined shedding fat and building muscle is the way to go. Diet is the most important part. Doing some weight training 3 days/week while doing some cardio along with a solid/religious diet is the best equation for “toning” up IMO.

ya goof :bash: …I was letting him know he was right…I really think us girls have it down though!

WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW-- if I choose to use the crosstrainer rather than run the track what should my main focus be…time, distance…which workout??? -if that makes sence

Yeah I have really become good with my diet…I am now eating the “RIGHT” foods ( well except on Friday at the midnight buffet at Eat n’ Park EEK ) and I really noticed a difference–I feel better, and also have more energy. I will say though it is more expensive to eat WELL than when I didn’t–not that I am a heffer or anything.:cool:

It is good you have your diet in check. Just get to feel what your maintenance amount of calories (how much you can eat and not gain/lose weight) are then try to take in a little less…you will get the idea how your body responds and what and how much you need to eat. Just don’t try to rush it…losing too much weight too fast means chances are you are losing way too much muscle. I always use a rule of anything over 10lb’s a month (for someone who isnt too fat/big) is a decent rate where you are minimizing muscle loss.

As for the weight lifting do not be scared like most females about the whole I dont want to look like a bodybuilder/bulky thing. Just stick to moving somewhat heavy weight for 12-15 reps…and those are hard reps not just going through the motion reps…the last couple should be hard. Try to do compound movements. For example bench press, rows, shoulder presses, and chin/pull ups are good for upper body. Learn to do squats the correct way with a bar (can also do lunges, one legged squats there are a ton of varieties) and stay out of the smith machine. Most people don’t realize it but doing heavy compound movement requires more muscle to work together and in turn will burn more calories. You wont burn as much as doing cardio but you will burn a lot more than most think. If you like to keep moving in the gym you can “superset” things like bench press and rows…where you would perform you bench press set and just catch your breath then go straight into a set of rows.

This is just a very general overview to get the feel of it…feel free to ask any specific questions.

As for what you mentioned above…I am definitley doing those things…I am weight lifting 20reps for 3 sets…( that is by the end of the weeks…it was a little less rep wise at the beginning ) By the end of my 3rdet I am barely pulling the last 2 reps off BUT I do it and push my self too–it feels good though. ( I am not trying to hurt myself but I also am not trying to sell myself short )

At this point I supposed I should move up in weight?? or stick to my current reps for a couple more days??? what do you think and how do I know when to move up the weight compared to the reps i am currently at?? I could tell a noticable difference yesterday when i went to the gym…for instance it wasn’t as hard compared to my first couple days.

oh in regards to my weight— I’m about 150 ( if not a couple lbs less ) and 5’ 11" tall

Sounds like you are working hard and seeing results. If all your reps are controlled and in perfect form I would up the weight. I say if on your third set you can not get at least 12 reps then you added too much weight. As for your height/weight 150 isnt too bad for that height. Now just keep in mind weight is just a #…for most what you look like should be your main goal. Keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat so to people the same height and weight may look totally different. I use my weight for short term gaols and to keep myself in check, but in the end it is just a #.

skull crushers are not for triceps…not if done properly. I’m not big on the names of the muscles but if you do it properly you hardly bend at the elbow (meat heads like to see more weight in their hands and tend to bend the elbow because its easier to do more weight.) You work below the armpit on that stuff there. I am the biggest fan of bench (especially dumbell and all verts, with decline being the most akward for me at the time.)

you are doin a shit ton of reps, whcih is exactly what you want right now. If you are still barely getting those last reps out you can afford another week at the weight ur using, but I would give a little more weight a shot as Bics suggested.

It defiantly focuses on your triceps. I think you are confusing pull overs and lying triceps extensions(skull crushers). So these “meatheads” may just be trying to work their triceps instead of their chest. Here is a great website (to me the best out there) on what exercise to work what body part


here is a pull over where the focus is chest

Here is a skull crusher where the focus is triceps

i hate skull crushers

I live for them, just the thought of the pain makes me wanna go lift :bigthumb:

-edit, this thread takes off when a chick comes in

ok been calling pull overs skull crushers than…i am not big on what things are called and it just seems like common sense to me (the whole what works what muscles.) Good site though for people who are new to the gym.

-as far as the meatheads, they are doing pulls overs but using there triceps as well. Doesn’t really work much if you try it that way…i tried it to see if i could feel it at all…

Her and a few other of us jut started workin out again…thats why we’re on the thread.