Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

That sucks Jimmy…15 lbs is a lot in one month…just curious why you want to lose more muscle mass tho

Devin, working in an office sucks man…try to keep active or you WILL get the gut of largeness. Try bringing a shaker to work wih some protein powder in it to get more, pack a protein bar to eat sometime during the day…that is like 65 or so grams right there. So how is NREIS?

Well, Im only 5’4 so weighing 200+ pounds is a lot on my frame. Its too thick looking and when im in normal clothes I look fat. My thighs are so big that i have to buy jeans in a 36 while my waist is about a 30. I really don’t want to lose mass anywhere but my legs. As Ive been get stronger and bigger, Im losing athleticism.

If I was a competitive bodybuilder or had hopes of competing one day then I would be very happy with where I am. I really not into that side of the sport because im more of a “Fitness Enthusiast”. I just want to look good and be healthy. I used to want a ton of mass when i was younger because I started lifting weights when i was 13 and weighed 125 pounds soaking wet. I realized during this time off that I now have the mass that I always wanted. Now, I need to work on really dropping my bodyfat and refining myself.

I’m probably not going to lose much more mass. I’m going to switch to a workout that is meant for a pre season football player. I want to have power and speed not just strength :slight_smile:


Sounds like a decent plan…I didn’t realize you were such a short shit…haha. I want to start doing some more speed/mobility type drill this summer. I think as I am getting older I am becoming a slow unathletic white man. But at the same time I want to put on more size…so HIIT will be the route I take to help burn off some fat from the bulk I am on now. I am slightly over 6’ and only weigh 212-215…and that is a light 212-215 I don’t really even look it. I want to get up to about 225 and then cut down to a 12% bf 210-215…sure sounds good on paper.

haha. Ya. so i guess you can understand what im saying about weight TOO MUCH.

I want to start doing some more speed/mobility type drill this summer. I think as I am getting older I am becoming a slow unathletic white man. But at the same time I want to put on more size…so HIIT will be the route I take to help burn off some fat from the bulk I am on now. I am slightly over 6’ and only weigh 212-215…and that is a light 212-215 I don’t really even look it. I want to get up to about 225 and then cut down to a 12% bf 210-215…sure sounds good on paper.

Everything is always easier on paper.

Some things you can do to help speed/mobility is increase the pace at which you do your reps on every exercise. Lighten up the weight and explode through the concentric (shortening) movement of the muscle. It will help you build more fast twitch muscle fibers which of course contract faster :slight_smile:

You can also try to get yourself on a fitness ball for exercises like flat bench press, military press, push ups and etc. It will help you work smaller stabilizer muscles and also your core.

damn high school prom today so the weight room was closed today. I so glad to have a highschool that allows the alumni’s to come in whenever and lift for free.

im just gettin back to the gym after about a year off from a frickin back injury…you guys takin any supplements or anything? protein? multivitamins?

I take Creatine, Protein, Multi, and Fish Oil. IMO that is pretty much all you need…there is a lot of junk on the market and all these are proven to do what they are designed to do.

Ran some sprints on Tue night…went to the gym for about a hour and 15 minutes did some shoulders and some light chest. After that I went straight to Baldwin High and ran some 100 yard sprints. I stretched out for a few minutes and jogged one lap to warm up. I did 8 or 9 100 yard sprints while taking about a 90 ssecond rest between sets. I was trying to time myself with the stopwatch on my cellphone but am unsure if I was really running 100yards. The field was not marked…I think I may have been running a little farther than 100 yards…maybe like 110 or so…my times were high 16 to low 17 seconds…which i think it pretty slow…but this was my first time running in a very long time. Getting older and having an office job owns me. I want to do these maybe 2-3 times/week if I can. Maybe get my times down to the 14-15 second range. Of course the legs are still a little sore but that is expected.

Edit: There were markers on the outside if the track and it was 100M

Just wanted to share some of my personal gains.

I used a cycle of IDS mass tabs and NOxplode, and optimum whey. Also changed from 3 sets of 8, to 5 sets of 5 with heavy weight.

Made really nice gains.

Im 5’11 and put on about 10lbs, which only put me at 160 lol, so Im pretty much a string bean. But now I’ve been able to squat 245lb 5x5, deadlift 225lb 5x5 (bad back from hockey), curl 75lb 5x5, shrug 100lb dumbbells 3x12. My bench and military press is pathetic due to a shoulder injury, so its not even worth listing lol

keep pumpin.

Congrats on the gains…it always feels good when you are taking steps in the right direction…for a while now I have only been taking baby steps…but it is expected considering how long I have been at it. The 5x5 routine is one of the best out there if done correct…I think earlier in this thread I posted a link that explains it in great detail.

Here is the link I was talking about


awesome site to learn on

U know, when i first started lifting i was taking alot of p[rotein a day(200 g;s) and now i am lucky to get 70-80 a day, but yet i still find myself moving up in weight as well as more reps except for the part of getting bigger with protein i am stil lgettin bigger in a sense and stronger without it. As far as taking shit like croetein…waste of money IMO unless u want to look like an idot and can’t even wipe your own ass…

Only 80 grams of protein is so little through a course of a day…I wouldn’t expect you to continue those gains…but wierder things have happened. As for the creatine…it is one of the only proven supplements that is proven to work. But keep in mind there are some people who are “nonresponders”. Jere is one of the best sites to learn about creatine:


Check out this link…has different normal activities and tells you how many calories you burn foing them. I wonder how accurate it is.


Here is one: Sex (active): 5.9 Calories/minute. So that is about 10 for me…haha…i wonder if how much it is just laying there and leting her do all the work.

well i got a question for you guys

every damn summer its the same routine for me…now that the weather got nice i’m alot more active. doing alot more outdoor activity and this year it is hockey. last 2 years it was summer softball for the restaurant i worked at.

all that running around in the heat is killing me. first week of april was the strongest i have ever been and i weighed in at around 160-162 at my heaviest.

then i got sick, think it was mono but not sure, and i couldnt lift for a week and didnt eat much…my body dropped alot of power and a few pounds. Now with summer i cant get over 155 and i’m back to benching what i was last fall at 225 for 6. Just 2 months ago i was at 245 for 5-6. this sucks

Any ideas for summer routines? i guess now i REALLLY need to up the protein and calorie intake just to get by with all the other activities. rest of the body tho feels good tho its just my chest and tris suffer the most from summer time

I would say you know what you need to do. More calories/protein. Also keep in mind when there is more stress on you (mental or physical) your body can only handle so much. So you if things are a bit crazy you may want to decrease the volume and/or intensity.

i was thinkin of doing abit less volume than winter lifts since the heat outside makes me sweat 1000x more. i get tired faster even with energy boosters.

also thought about changing the intensity to someting abit more slower paced but keeping the weight up. i’ll have to experiement with it.

and now i’m liftin in the morning when for most of my career i have been workin out at night or evening. it sucks cuz i’m not awake yet even after the workout. lol its hard to get pumped up

Well I finally hit 224 lbs, I didn’t want to start my cut until I was about 225. Now I am the strongest I have ever been and am really starting to move some serious weight. Today started my cut and I will try to reduce my calories and carbs a bit while eating a bit more “clean”. I figure when I hit the 215 mark I should start looking pretty good and be at about 12% BF.

i’m still sucking with this morning lifting and summer activity… i just not gaining anymore but i’m not losing much either so atleast i’m maintaining abit

I am officially trying to lose some weight I gained about 35lbs in the last year trying to lose 45lbs. I actually like to exercise but my biggest problem is my back. 2003 my back went out and I went to rehab, ever since I have had problems. To the point where I can’t get out of bed its so severe. Unfortunately I don’t have any insurance so rehabbing is out of the question and I am trying really hard to be careful, at the same time its difficult to lose weight and do a work out when I can’t really push myself. Any advice would be much appreciated.