Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

extreme fitness is pretty nice, rates arent bad either

umm, ok…

some people have an interest in keeping their body as well, so what is wrong a thread about nutrition and fitness?? i do personal training, and compete as a powerlifter, and am getting to do a all natural bodybuilding show. some people have lost a lot of weight, and its good to hear how everyone did it. what good is having a nice car if you die because your not healthy. comments like that get to me because you stereotype the thread. i posted a lot about supplements, how to get stronger, bigger, lose weight etc…it just isn’t about people typing in their weight loss. im sure your in perfect shape and can make comments like that though…btw…if you didnt pick up on the sarcasm yet towards your post, im calling you a di_kwipe

it was a joke anyways, i dont have a perfect body and the "biggest loser comment was just me messin. But extreme fitness in robinson is pretty nice and its not too expensive

Best way to lose a beer gut?

simple, quit drinking beer…do about 30-45 minutes of cardio per day and clean up your diet.


Easier said than done to stop drinking beer. Def. takes dedication and hard work. Diet is a major player in losing weight.

if you have this:


with some will power


Easier said than done to stop drinking beer.

should be absolutely no problem.

be careful when doing weighted crunches/ab exersises…abs are muscles and will grow (thicker/wider waist)…try hitting them from different angles when you feel your no getting enough…dont increse the weight

if it is easier said then done, then it is a severe drinking problem. if a person can quit drinking, it will cut out a lot of unneeded calories. you dont have to go on a crazy diet, im on one now, and i hate it. just switch all white carbs to whole grain, mustard instead of mayo, egg whites instaed of whole eggs, little things like that. do cardio, and the weight should come off.


i went from 210 to 171 in a month and a half my senior year of high school for wrestling…if you want to loose weight its easy…
wake up at 5…run 2 miles
small breakfast
small lunch
hardcore cardio for 2 hours
lift for an hour
eat a small dinner
run 2 miles
go to bed
no pop, chocolate, milk, pizza, pasta, bread, any fried foods, anything high in saturated fat, anything with alot of sugar

so like I said…real easy (sarcasm)
and it really stays off (sarcasm)…after wrestling season i put all that weight right back on plus 5 pounds in about a year

but now i’m running about 4 miles 5 days a week and gonna start lifting and watching what i eat when i get back to school
my goal is about 180 by mid march

right now i weigh around 255lbs, with a 36 inch waist. im trying to get down to 225lbs for my bodybuilding weight, and around a 32-30 inch waist. i am only eating 3 meals per day, but i also am drinking 7-8 protein shakes per day.
my total calorie intake is less then 3500 calories, and my protein is around 500 grams per day. carbs are very low, and my only fat comes from my protein shakes, so total fat is less then 20 grams per day. it is hard because i don’t have a lot of bodyfat to lose, but i need to lose some anyway, but the hard part is keeping my size, i don’t want to lose weight if i lose alot of size. so im tryin to lose only 1 lb per week…

^^what show you hittin?

6 hours of cardio…is extreme…and a great deal of lean mass WILL be wasted…all thats needed is a little “clean up period” we all know whats good for us and whats not, remove the junk…increse activity, REASERCH & add in a effective supplement regime…thats all the info I can give for free!..you gots to pay for this knowledge! LoL!

my friend from ballys does it every year, i don’t think its the mr. pgh, ill find out, i know its in the spring. i need to get some more peak on my bi’s and then i am focusing strictly cutting down…

Not healthy at all and I am willing to bet a lot of the weight you lost was lean body mass. 40 lbs in a month and a 1/2 is averaging close to 7 lbs per week. 7lbs per month is pushing it if you are trying to do it healthy and keep LBM (depending on where the person is starting from). So I wouldn’t really put much weight to the “advice” is that is what you are trying to give.

started to train my bi’s hard again after tearing it…it is a rough workout when your one arm is strong, and the other is weak…anyway my 1st day doing hevy barbell curls i got 150x8…not to bad for having a bad bicep…

Yeah that’s good you are pretty much healed up. But considering you are just getting back I would take it easy…it would suck to re-injure it again.

Got any ideas on stuff I can drink during the day? I’m getting tired of drinking water at work and I def. don’t wanna drink pop. I sti at a desk all day and doing so has caused me to gain about 35 lbs in the 2.5 yrs I’ve worked here between drinking pop/eating unhealthy food/etc.

As far as food, this week I’m trying to do a semi-cleanse, eating mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, then next week I’m gonna try and just eat lean meats and beans, try to keep my diet consistent to that, cut out the Beer and wings and pizza for a while.

I’ve been drinking some of those Naked all natural drinks, but they’re like $4 each, and Arizona green tea once in a while.