Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

1-2 lbs per month is 12-24 lbs per year… i’d be sooooo happy with that, but i been about the same the last 2 years. i gained maybe 4-5 then lost it. Now about gained it back but my strength is up more than ever before finally.

i’m the perfect example of hard weight gainer but do gain strength slowly

what really killed me is mono that i think i had last may or so. i was on my ass for a 4-5 days straight then another 2 weeks or so of not doing much activity. didnt eat much. Strength fell thru the floor. it was a sad day for me goin back into the gym to see how weak i’ve become

just started my nano-vapor and anabolic halo from muscletech. amazing products!!!


I am somewhat anti-muscletech guy…they typically make out of line claims and are over priced.

thats what i’ve heard too. their stuff is overpriced and do make big claims. I havent used them so i cant say either way

It’s very hard to gain just muscle, or lose purely fat. The pro’s gain both, then cut, coming out with more muscle. Anyone trying to do this “gain muscle only” or “lose fat only” programs is fighting an uphill battle.

And admittedly, those programs are only good for a couple pounds a month anyway. I say bulk up/slim down later, set your goals and work hard, alternating between the two, don’t try to do both, that’s part of the reason so many people fail with weight loss.

it all depends…i have used themm for years, with great results

a few pounds a month equals around 15-20 lbs. a year, which is around the range of most pro bodybuilders…

I think they can deliver results…but a lot of their products are over hyped and way over priced…they will add some BS to a basic supplement and then make claims that it is soo great and charge you twice as much…I compare them to BSN. I am sure you know the #1 thing someone can do is eat right and enough and that is where you will get most of your results

bsn makes good products also, i just get the best results with muscletech

I think some are decent but for the $$ there are other products that will do the same thing for less $$. But to each his on I guess.

i am entering the pittsburgh monster bench meet in moon township, i hope to get a record for my weight class that day. if my new bench shirt gets here in time, i am going to try a 650 bench

Go raw…not a fan of bench shirts…but good luck either way.

im not either, but if you can’t beat em, join em…i do my real competing in the adau, which is a raw, drug tested sanctioned meets. very close from top to bottom.

but this 1 in moon is a big meet, around 200 lifters, and almost all wear a shirt, not to mention some balco vitamnins…

im natural, so i need the shirt to have a chance against the cheaters. anyway, my best raw bench was a 475, and that is pausing for 1 second before pressing up, touch and go i have hit 500 in the gym

I see what your saying…but I never was a fan of getting assistance for a lift. You can almost compare it to if you spotted my and gave a a little help then I can say I pressed that weight. I guess I am a little old school.

But either way pressing over 400 lbs is solid. That is one of my goals for this year.

so, I haven’t been to the gym regurally for the past 5 months or so. And my membership is up, and I already joined the new LA Fitness which will open up sometime in the summer. I finally finished up a lot of my schooling for work so I have time to get back to the gym. I was thinking about lifeforce on a month to month basis until the new gym opens, does anyone know the monthly fee(I think it’s in this thread but I am too lazy to go back and look thru 11 million pages to find it :smiley: )

I don’t remeber how much it is…but if I had to guess I would say it is like $35 or so. I got mine for $300/year all upfront…so thats like $25/mo. If you do join let me know. I am there a few days/weeks typically around 8 PM on weekdays and 11 am on weekends. It’s not a bad gym for the $$. I thought about joining LA Fitness…but I have a feeling it is going to be crazy packed there…I talked to a ton of people who are joining…and one guy told me there were just under a 1,000 people who signed up…not sure if he is a BSer but if so that is crazy.

I joined LA because of racquetball, a pool, and it was $35/month. They are supposed to open up a few more in the area so hopefully that will even the load out a little bit.

I will let you know when I join, I used to go to the gym around 8:30 also.

For sure you can beat the deal they were offering…and that rate if for life right?

Just hopefully it wont be too crowded…if you normally go around 8:30 then it shouldnt be too bad.

yea, the rate is for life and it’s good at any la fitness in PA. For a little more/month it is good at any la fitness in the country, but don’t travel that much so it’s not worth it for me.

is lifeforce crowded at night? There is barely anyone at complete fitness at night.

Nope not at all. I go all the time at night and there is never more than a handful of people there.