Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:


done and done. You know anything about Fish Oil Caps?


I’m going to put together a “diet” over the next couple of days to implement Monday. I’ll post it up before then for thoughts and ideas.


its contain your EFAs or essential fatty acids. its the “good” fats that your body needs and isnt counted as “fat” in a diet.the reason they are important is because your bosy doesnt produce any naturally so you have to consume them. the 3 major EFAs are omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9. you can get EFAs from flaxseed oil, fish oil caps or whole food sources but its usually easier to take a EFA capsule. the best whole food source of EFAs is salmon.

if you decide to take fish oil caps, i have some advice. freeze the bottle of pills before you begin to take them on a daily basis. if you dont most people end up with fishy smelling breath. if i can reccomend a type of product though, i would say to take a complete EFA capsule derived from flax and fish.


good stuff

hmmm, I’ve never suplimented anything but a daily centrum and whey protein. Anything else I’m missing out on?

ROFLMAO doubtfull mike,but anyway great job on the weight loss man n DO keep it up! I fluctuate between 190-205 and havent lifted in bout 6 months but when i did i started at benching 160 and moved to 265 in 2months,thats everyday lifeting and i usually curl around 190. I am not cut but i guess built big.

I doubt so too…but you never know…haha 105 increase in 2 months is pretty crazy. I would think you weighed more than that I am at about 205. Curling 190…I would love to see with your back up against a wall…that is serious weight to curl.

holy fuck. The most I can do is sets of 8 with 45lb dumbells. that’s impressive.

LOL, that is free standing and no swaying or swinging,that is for cheaters and doesn,t do anything,u have to stay focused and stiff. As far as the 105 in 2 months goes,i have always been able to lift alot but stopped lifting and being so active,so when i start up agian i tend to move quikly through the weight. Plus it is benficial if u do ur last 4 reps slowly and controled,it builds the muscles faster and more tighter.

I agree…but for curls I do my first 8 or so with perfect form then I “cheat” on my last 2…it is better to cheat on them than not to do any at all. It would be a form of a high intensity w/o I guess. 190 though I want to see what I got…I havent maxed at curling in a while.

LOL, and i havent lifted in ahwile either,i gotta get back on the saddle. :doh: I do 3 sets and 10-14 reps of everything i do though lifting wise. May not be the best routine but i like it and i see great gains in short time

not to be am a$$ but I highly doubt you can get 190 curling for 10-14…I can see max though I bet I am close to there and I bet you are a bit beast too.


Lol,thats what i was at.190,and i was doing 3 sets of 10,last four were a bitch n i prob cheated a lil but itried to stick with what i was doing the best i can man,i don,t mind if u doubt me steve but thats what i did man. Usually i would start at 170 for first set 2nd set would be 175-180 then on to 190.

hahahah. :):slight_smile:

curling 190 for sets of 10 is almost impossible, professional bodybuilders and competitive strongmen dont even curl that for their sets! your biceps can’t possibly get that stronger unless all of the supporting muscles are as strong. so considering your tris are 2/3s of your arms you must do tricep exercises with weights in the 300s! i dont even want to get started with what your shoulders and chest should support if you can curl that.

hahaha! im sorry, its still hilarious. if your going to lie be realistic about it.

I really don’t like to call BS on people because I have seen some people smaller than me bench 300lbs. but curling 190 for 10 reps is just sick. A guy I work with can bench in the low 400lb range and he doesn’t even rep that kind of weight with curls.

mad props if he can curl 190 though, that’s just downright impressive.

great sticky, the first post is a balding kid molesting a muffler :rofl: