Pittspeed Paintball Day

Beat chicks can’t play paintball, sorry.

i have never played before but I am definitely down…

Go to AAPP. Do not go to Urban assault unless you like playing on concrete. Trust me. Even if it costs a few extra bucks or a little longer drive, its well worth it. I drive almost 2 hours every weekend to play there and I have 2 other fields within 15 minutes of my house.

defintely well worth it, they have that fake grass with the rubber in between it. and its still somewhat climate controlled, and they have really clean facilities most of the time

I just remember playing down at the strip district facility when it was open and the floor was so bad with paint ooze and wood chips…worse than trying to run on ice…

HwH22Hx lol you can come and no you wouldn’t be banned from PS…if i haven’t been banned for the ass out shit i’ve pulled on the boards then you’ll be fine…i actually know some dangerous chicks to play against in PB. Ok i’m posting this in the first thread too but let just close the “I’m In” list in TWO WEEKS.

you would be fine i’ll let you borrow the chest and back pad that i bought a few years ago made for paint ball wussies, vaportrail called it my mattress, we went for my bachalor party and i knew i was going to get lit up so it help untill every body just started shooting me in the legs

Be_rad plllleeeeease…for that I am going tol make an extra effort to come paintballin and kick you tall punk ass!!! :smiley:

xlogic…yeah I going for sure now haha

vtecsol… I’ll take you up on that offer if that is somehting I should need…this sounds like fun!!

If this happens to take place the second week of jan. count me in. Its been awhile since I last played.

The 2nd weekend of Jan I will be out of town.

im done to play as long as i know when it is long enough in advance

I’d be down for just about anyday, but prefer sundays

we set up or call for anything? If not let me know ill start calling some people.

no we aren’t set up yet…once the list closes in less than two weeks i will call and see if i can work out some type of package deal for us. Call everyone that you can…gonna make this one big

I just saw this, I have a lot of equipment, but my stuff is all for woods ball. If you are playing speed or x-ball, I’m not interested. If its more tactical, I will be interested depending on the date, due to my schedule.

aapp is an “x” ball park

They have a normal speedball field for recball players also. But ya, no woodsball or tactical stuff.

dont be a vag your coming.

Um not with a set up like this I’m not…

im down to go play some ball. just let me know when and where and i will come.