Pittspeed technology crew v.Smartphones v.fuckaniPhone

wouldnt it be cheaper just to slap a big old rainbow decal on your back window?

or maybe just own a gay car like a del sol…

Honestly I have no clue what makes the iPhone gay. Best user interface out there? Good looking phone?

The reason the iphone is gay is because, every fucking employee in the apple store is queer… apple screams fag… theres no doubt about it. Yes I own an iPhone :slight_smile: Yes, I still hate queers.

it’s definitely good looking, and has a great GUI, but thats pretty much where it stops.

nice phone…is it still as big as the old one?

looks god, i just like Palm better then windows moblie/pocket pc, whatever the hell they call it now.

every windows based phone i’ve used/messed with is a dog.

a guy here has the treo700w…ehhhh
i like my 650 better.