Plasma vs LCD

You put a Sharp in the same class as Vizio? Sharp makes some of the best LCDs out there. And as far as Plasma goes Pioneer is the king.

Like I said, Vizio is the best among the lower-end models. Putting one in your mom’s house was probably an excellent idea and exactly the type of market its geared to. Vizio’s tend to have a “buzzing/humming” noise that 90% of owners complain about. They also tend to run hot.

Price wise? Yes. Pioneer, Panny’s and Samsungs are the best Plasma’s when it comes to $1500+

Sharps are known to have a stripping effect every once in a while.

You must own a Sharp.

Samsung. But Sharps are always highly rated and they have been doing LCD technology longer than most companies making TVs.

Samsung = :tup:

Sharp does a ton of advertising and their AQUOS line is very good. However they have shitty tech support, and their units are known to fail.

There’s that stripping. Oh and then they tell you to consider a Vizio that’s half as much money. LOL.

Truth. I have been very pleased with everything I own that is Samsung.

They seem to be coming up in the Plasma category as well. I want to check out the LED LCD they have. I’ve heard good things.

I have both, I prefer my Samsung plasma, but My Sony LCD is very crisp. I cant wait till Lazer TV’s come out.

Sony’s are nice but overpriced. And after I had a Sony tube TV shit the bed after 6 months, I have been turned off to them.

Sony LCD’s are bomb.

Panasonic and Samsung are the best in Plasma. Pioneer is undoubtedly the best, but these units cost generally a lot more. Save the money and buy a better receiver for your sound system…or some more comfortable chairs.

Samsung DLP lover here.

alright, i’m out.

I’m not sure why we are having this discussion. To buy a 720p television at this day in age is just ignorant. In general most 720p televisions are cheap TVs marketed at people who don’t know anything about televisions. People just see that it says “HDTV” or “Widescreen” and immediately think that it is awesome, which is really not true at all.

Granted, While most HDTV is broadcast in either 720p or 1080i, there are still many other devices that broadcast in full 1080p. If you ever got a PS3, XBOX 360, or just a BluRay player, you would only be able to make full use of them with a 1080p TV.

The best TV for the money (and from what it looks like, the amount your looking to spend) is the Samsung 40" A550. (

The 550 line of Samsungs have great picture quality and a high contrast ratio, but at reasonable prices. If you buy a TV like a Vizio or some other value brand you will be sacrificing picture quality/contrast ratio/etc. for a cheaper price tag. You will notice blocking in dark areas of the screen as well as poor color levels.

Any of you clowns ever heard of Fujitsu? Or Marantz for that matter…

Again, on a screen smaller than 50", you really can’t tell the difference between 720p and 1080p. Most people don’t have BluRay yet and as you said, TV broadcasts don’t even make it to 1080p. So I think there is plenty of viability for looking at 720p TVs. Buying the top of the line even though you don’t need it and will never use it is what has caused this country to go in the economic shitter.

LCD > plasama.

The 47" 1080 Vizio was the #3 rated LCD TV by consumer reports- i do not see a problem putting one in the living room.

god you cant be more wrong, i love when people spew crap without actually reading.

LG , pioneer premier is up there also.

Mine doesnt

imo, i’d go with the LCD - it will likely last longer, wont burn in, has higher resolution (people that say you cannot tell the difference are not correct). Also as previously mentioned plasma’s typically have a lot of glare due to the glass screen, but this isn’t an issue if you’re in a dark room. plasma’s look sexy as hell, the LCD just has more pro’s in my opinion.

:tup: LCD.

Picking up my 1080p LG 42" this week for the new hizzy. woot.