Plasma vs LCD

Guys you have to stop with the burn in debate, plasmas burn in is almost non existent now a days, ive had my plasma over 3 years and no burn in, and you all should know how long i play my 360. As long as you use some sort of burn in dvd it will be fine.

And Jim when u say higher resolution, what exactly does that mean? Plasmas come in 1080p. And you will not notice a difference on a 42 inch, upwards of 50 inch yes you might notice a difference, but on a 42 no way.

i guarantee you a budget plasma (Vizio) will burn in.

and i say higher resolution because if you read his first post he says that the LCD in question is 1080p and the plasma is 720p :stuck_out_tongue: :buickgn:

bah its early :slight_smile:

idk a lot about TVs, but i heard my dads friend say who makes a shit ton of loot doing home entertainment and setups at bars/clubs/etc say if you have the $, you cant even compare, plasma is way better. :gotme:

plasma is king until OLED comes out imo.

marantz / Fujitsu when money is no object.

LG when you want a good value.

LCD when you want 1080p today with a reasonable pricetag

I bought LCD’s for my house because I have a lot of light shining into the rooms I usually watch TV and I didn’t want a glare.


I cant wait for OLED to fucking pwn everything.

You’ll be waiting a while.

I did hear that a company (don’t remember which) had a 40" pretty much done, but the cost has got to be unreal.

Sony has a 11 inch for 2700$

Go for it!

Plasma keeps my room warm at night