thats bs… wtf why are people so effin lame… thieves are the lowest people on earth…

garrr i hate people who steal errrrrr

whats even worse about the world today… is the guy who stole it say gets into an accident … he would prolly sue the owner… people are that dumb…

i had my old boat stolen, there was alchy in the fridge and the kids who stole it ran it into rocks and they were killed… the parents tried puttin a lawsuit on us… is that not rediculous. if they would not have broken into our boat they would not have had alchy

That bike is an relatively speaking rare bike, you just don’t see TL100R’s very much.

If they are trying to part it out, it might make it a little easier because there aren’t
many of those bikes rolling around. I think I have seen three in Buffalo as long as I
have lived here.

am sick of ppl stealing shit
am a victim too, but they only stole my exhaust, this city has issues and i though nyc was bad, what a fool eh/
i need to get my shit and head back to my getho, this shit is scary
do me a favor… if you ever find out who did it, KILL THAT MOTHER FUCKER for me.

ill keep EYE out

They only point down in front of two doors to get into the building. Nothing pointed into the parking lot. There are only two buildings on either side of us. Behind is all empty.

I hope something gets found… he is such a nice guy and it’s such a nice bike.

Let’s find this thing!

I’ll keep my eyes peeled. :tdown: to fucksticks.


:word: this bike is very rare, the chances someone stole it to part it out is highly unlikely.

Somethings to point out , SINGLE SEAT, and aftermarket exhaust, its some japanese brand i dont remember

looks like yoshi exhaust maybe…

that sucks hope they find it, before it’s in pieces.

as stated by others…ill keep my eye out for it and call ya if i see anything…

good luck finding it …

i had my car broken into 2 weeks ago when i was at work…fucking theives

make sure to check ebay daily

My car was broken in to AT MY HOUSE!!! as well as my parents and my sisters car, radar detector, Cd player, Mp3 player, Cds…bookbag? cap and gown? motherfuckers took everything, exept my subs…

Kill em all, let jesus sort it out

Wow that blows, shouldnt be hard to notice if it being ridden, the TL R is a rare bike in these parts, and in yellow will be noticable. Hope the city boys didnt get ahold of it though.

Saw a yellow bike today. Talked to Jack though… wasn’t it. :(:frowning: I got a little excited that I thought I had it.

damn, the biker should have put his t-tops back on :wink:

That sucks though. Fucking thieves.

The fact that it is rare is all the more reason for it to get parted out. If they are smart, they wouldn’t be caught out riding around an easily identifiable bike. I did keep my eyes open for it at S&R last night.