Police Brutality in Braddock

My buddy went to school for being a cop and he wanted to be a state trooper, and do you know how hard it is to be a state trooper. First off, there are way less state troopers then regular cops, and regualar cops put up with more BS then a trooper would, all they do is pretty much catch speeders and sit on the highway. But you cant compare state troopers to regualar cops. They deal with completly dif. situations, there is alot more stress on reg. cops. My point is that you cant call regular cops uneducated, and thats y they always get into situations, they are the ones alway dealing witht the situations.

I didnt get to see the video but i think the guy got what he deserved. Like ppl where saying earlier the guy will probally just get a fine and thats it, and plus no one is afraid cops anymore alot ppl just laugh at them think there job is a joke anymore… It seems to me ppl look for cops to hit them so they can make a quick buck and sue them and get to be on T.V…