Police Killings in Katrina?

Plenty of people with money live in Buffalo and would never consider East Aurora.

I’m just gonna put this out there but if there wasn’t looting and people breaking the law, law enforcement wouldn’t have to be there. I’m not picking sides but it seems pretty stupid to just assume that because these guys are cops that they are perfect. Lets not forget that if a cop runs a red everyone freaks out and bitches, calls in to the nearest division and complains, and makes it their personal goal to hate all cops. But when some dumb fuck in taxi or something civilian does the same, we do what? Maybe shake our heads in disapproval?

I’m not excusing what these guys did but i’m saying that they are just fuckups that were allowed to entire the “system” as you guys wanna call it. Why you might ask? Because law enforcement isn’t as cool as it was back in the day and nobody wants to be the guy that has to deal with people shit all day. Did i mention the highest divorce rate of any job is a cop? They get paid shit all, unless you make it to the top, and have to deal with all the crap other don’t want to deal with.

Think about it, some drunk asshole comes on your property. You ask him to leave and he doesn’t, he starts causing problems. Who do you call? Not ghostbusters thats for sure. Than some underpaid grunt with an iq of no more than 80 has to haul his ass outa his sqaud car, clean up the mess, and than spend another couple hours of paperwork!

Again i’m not picking sides, and i very much support your arguments about the sick shit these guys did and i’m very glad that somebody is bringing them to justice. But lets not forget that the guy bringing them in is also a cop, or atleast involved with law enforcement. And if we all supported cops instead of hating on them, maybe their job would be more tollerable and than we could get people who arent completely retarded to start filling in the ranks.

Don’t forget the g20/g8…
Sure it was the dumbest thing ever planned by THE GOVERNMENT. The cops had no say in it at all! Do you think they wanted to have to lock down the city and deal with all the crap that was involved in the damn thing? But hey, they were there when shit got outa hand and they brought all those guys in so i can’t complain.

Oh and if you support the rioters, the aggresive and violent ones that is, lets not forget that besides making a fool of themselves and getting a one way trip to a correctional facility, all they did was destroy stuff that gets paid by tax payers dollars.

Again i’m not picking sides, i do hate ignorant cops who run reds and do crooked shit, but i don’t think that they are all like that.

Just a thought right?

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

Oh and for those who say they get paid well

A cop has to take training first and a MAJOR pay cut until after 4 or 5 years or something stupid.
Only after that can they even attempt at making over 60 k a year.

I’m interested in the actual IQs of those haters posting about cops having low IQs. :fry:

Some good points. Glad you aren’t so quick judge the guys protecting us and label cops as a whole bad. There are shitty people everywhere and given the criteria and pay received to be in law enforcement I think they to a fine job. Some of you talk like an astonishing amount are “bad cops” and this is not true at all. If you want change become the politician that raises the shit out of the taxes so that we can pay enough to only hire law enforcement with 4+ years of education LOL.

I’m just gonna say that i’ve had cops come to my high school and stuff and um…
We also had a couple toronto argonauts…

The argo’s were actual quite inteligent after the presentation made by the cops lol

No but seriously the low rank cop usually isn’t all that bright as if they were they would be in an office somewhere not in the street so thats what i was reffering to…

Im not saying that cops are all intelligent, im saying for what we are willing to give($$$) and then considering what the job entails, we simply limit ourselves to who is willing to do said job. Same as any job really. So instead of just hating on cops if people think they should have a higher caliber of education or experience or whatever. If they REALLY think this will help anything then they should propose a plan and take action.

You’d have to pay me a hell of a lot to be society’s janitor given how trigger happy the rats can be, or even how arrogant and prickish white suburbanites can be. The first time some dick I pulled over for speeding said something about paying my salary through his taxes I’d get in trouble for shoving my nightstick in his ear by way of his asshole. I feel bad for cops. They get shit for doing their job, they get shit for not doing their job.

Hell just look at the guys who arrested the guy accused of the City Grill shootings: Some local amublance chasing Jessie Jackson wannabe takes the shooter to a fucking news station to turn himself in, the cops shove wannabe out of the way to get the cuffs on the shooter ASAP, and wannabe gives the cops shit for not letting them put on a goddam dog and pony show, er, I mean, wait for shooter’s lawyer before they arrested him. Fuck.

As for this Katrina thing, I’m not surprised. That was such a goddam clusterfuck that not much of story of inhumanity would surprise me coming out of there. If these dudes are guilty then I hope they get what’s coming to them. Though I have a feeling the case won’t be totally black and white, so to speak.

honestly i think we should focus that hate more on the crooked politicians who get paid big bucks to do shit all and make “influenced” choices as to who can do what around the city.

Maybe some of that money that goes into their pockets should be given to the cops for training and perhaps better education.
All i know is i’m tired about hearing crooked stories of politicians doing this illegal activity or some shit and getting away with it.

Thanks for saving me the time of typing it out. :slight_smile:


I feel like you need to be of a certain personality type to succeed as a cop.

That personality type is a dickhole.

Granted, cops are generally cool to you if you are cool to them, but that typically involves kissing their ass and they love it.

Most of the kids in my high school who thought it was cool to rebel against authority ended up being cops. Irony, lol.

Dude… cops make way more than that… obviously you start relatively low but any seasoned cops are over $70k in Ontario and good cops are worth way more than that.

I have personal friends who are cops that make well into the $80k+ range.

Ones opinion on police depends one the time of day… i’m all over the place… one day i hate them all, the next day i don’t care.

I will say that cops, politicians etc should be held to a much higher standard than the general populous. Cops who break the public trust should be fucked. I would be totally fine to see all cops get a 20% raise if it meant they’d be 100% accountable for all actions. Unfortunately there are too many crooked dudes on the force that totally fuck it up for all the solid dudes that are on the force.

Totally agree with Newman though. Treat them well and expect to be treated well.

On the subject of pay, in ontario anyways, Teachers are way more over-paid than cops. And they don’t get shot at… much

If it is the a high pay that bothers you then I surmise another position. Create a “junior” officer that is the same as a regular officer but with no actual gun. Maybe a couple of stun guns. Pay those guys less and require less schooling. That way at least it will be harder for them to kill someone.

Just for the record I neither like or dislike any cops. I feel there are a handful who are great cops, a handful whom are horrible and the remainder are just average. Just like in any other position. The kicker is they have so much more power then most other jobs.

If a proper budget was put into place you’d never have to worry about taxes. I pay over 10% less in taxes total living here in Texas then you guys in NY. Weird.

Yeah but we have schools that teach evolution. :slight_smile:

^ This. When it’s your job to enforce the law you better be prepared to follow it as well.

Still waiting…

wait who are you referring to?

Not you. Easy Mav :lol: