Police traps today

On the 219 near the milestrip exit…maddd PO-9. Saw at-least 5 people pulled over on my way into b-lo and another 4 on my way back. I also spotted a bunch on the 90 near the Galleria.

Watch the lead feet bitches!


i was headed to school yesterday around 3 and there were 4 cars pulled over around milestrip on the 219, thats all i saw was cop cars everywhere.

yeah, there were a ton on the 290 last night too. kind of surprising for such a shitty day


they’re everywhere today as well, the milestrip trap has been pulling over a ton-o-cars…watch yourself

thanks I just texted 4doorbabe and she is at the 20A exit … she slowed down …she was doing 76 in a 55

bad egg


fuck the police!!!11111111111111111111111

They were out on the 90 between batvia and pembroke

that is one area i never speed regardless. they are there on a regular basis

check point at the end of the 400 in south wales

i got court on the 24th for one…

You mean good egg right… dont you guys have like 12 kids

and texting while doing 76! LOL, perfect.

bump for this same spot being a roadblock today. they are sitting on the off ramp of the 219 north exit for 20A.

:lol: there was a cheektowaga cop on the Union and French bridge in the middle of the road shooting radar…

I hate road blocks.

It’s like, don’t they have ANYTHING better to do than slow up traffic?

the best is when they are standing behind the driver side door, radar gun in hand shooting radar off the side of the road.

i understand they are probably checking for inspection since the year is coming to an end and also that cars are safe for winter driving, thats fine, but to have a line of cars running all the way back to the 219 is a little rediculous.

my dads friend who is a trooper does this all the time, I’m like, you’re fucking crazy, what if someone side swipes you.
He’s told me that he has parked his car in the woods and stood out on the shoulder with the laser gun and ran back to his car to pull them over.

All the departments must be under budget this month. They are everywhere including state troopers in new places and giving tickets constantly.