political rant...

Some people just can’t handle the ridicule. I can, because at the end of the day, what someone else thinks about me is irrelevant.

That being said, I agree with many things Wayne and others have said in this thread.

But the truth of the matter is: No matter how much we discuss this, think about it, plan for it…it’ll NEVER be fixed. Our Government has gotten in way to deep and it’ll never get itself out. Only way to fix this is cleanse the government of all corruption (don’t know how that would be done). But that’ll never happen. So we’re all screwed. When the population as a whole is suing for ever little thing, complaining about the Pledge, complaining about people saying Merry CHRISTmas, that’s when you know it’s just too late. In the 50’s and 60’s, student problems were chewing gum and talking. Now? Rape and murder are the trend.

This brings me to ninety1two40’s post about God in the nation again. I’m only going to post this once in this thread.

This is why I believe in God. I personally feel like he HAS done things in my life and they aren’t just ‘coincidence’ or ‘miracles’. And if all else fails (the Government, the economy, etc.), I have a FAITH that I’ll get through the rough times. I know older people who lived during WWII in Europe and basically faced all the odds (starvation, etc.) and made it through the rough times by believing in help from above. No jobs, no food, no thing…yet they made it out a’okay. So I believe that I’ll be fine even if shit hits the fan. Do you have to agree with me? Absolutely not. I respect your opinion. But do I think it would bring this country back to its feet, at least a little bit, if we involved the general concept of a higher being into politics/schools/workplace (which is the reason this country first began - religious persecution)? Yes, because people (over a period of time) would be more moral, less corrupt, etc. I’m not speaking about any one religion or my particular denomination. Just the concept of a “God” in general. I think it would help. Again, in the 50’s and 60’s, student problems were chewing gum and talking. Now? Rape and murder are the trend.

In the end, neither Obama or McCain would have helped and the next guy won’t fair any better. Like the Government in Ukraine (in which Yuliya Timoshenko is trying to make a difference), the good leaders (there are only a few) are butting heads with the corrupt ones (there are many) and no work is being accomplished.

This is solely my opinion and if you don’t agree with it that is fine. I couldn’t care less if you do or don’t. So take it or leave it. If you want to attack my beliefs and/or opinion, grow up.