Poll: Evo or Mini?

BOUGHT AN EVO. Ya I think it was the better choice also :wink:

ev0 X 5789430258790342
mini teh suck

EDIT: and spell check your sig.

wtf i expected to see an evo VI from the title that is false advertising

This thread made me lol.

i’m going to have to agree with newman on this one.

nice sig.

evo ftw

evo fur sure.

but minis are actually pretty sweet. fwd sucks, which in turn makes the mini suck a bit, but they are small, have a roomy interior, handle really well and can be decently fast.

Do something a little different and turbo your mini. It is a great looking car and you might regret selling it IMO. Alternatively, AWD is great all of the time especially in the Buffalo winters.

And this man just summed up this entire thread.

evo no question

1 reason the Mini is better; its a lot cuter.
99999 reasons the evo is better; I am not going to list them.
I will tell you the number one reason it is better; its not wrong wheel drive.

Evo, but why not an STi?

i once met this guy that had an awd mini …

ask minisrt4 about it …

I’d go with the mini.

evos suck, and everyone knows they can’t fit in subways.


I will, that would be awesome!

i would say be different and stick with the mini, and maybe look into that awd one that HRK speaks of…that would be AWESOME

new poll:

free money
turbo slivers in your eye

Get the mini and hookZ it up sick