Poor SR fuel mileage

Everything is smooth now after the swap with the exception of a small exhaust mani leak that just happened a day ago. My only complaint is the cars horrible on gas…just the same if not worse than my old kae. Just less than 300 a tank. 2/3 of the time ime very conservative of my fuel. Where should i start looking or how should i go about diagnosing the issue. Im going to check the wiring for the skinny 02 sensor…My grandmas accord gets 550 eaaasy and im hard on that thing…im so jelous…

I’ve found some stock SRs that are more efficient without an O2 sensor, but yea check it out

check for boost leaks

your grandma’s accord doesnt have a turbo. being easy on your car 2/3’s of the time will only give you 2/3s the fuel milage because when you’re really ON IT with an SR, you’re burning fuel at a rate of about 1.2L per minute, and depending on your speed your MPG is anywhere from 0.5 to 5. Spend 1/3rd a tank of fuel at that low of a MPG and no matter how nicely you drive the other 2/3rds yoru economy will suck.

Its like getting on really bad grade in hs. it just KILLS your average. god bless the 6/8 rule for applying to uni eh?

well there is no 6/8 rule for fuel economy

do yourself a favour before you start worrying that your motor is a pile

fill your tank up reset your odo and drive like a god damn pussy. I GARUNTEE YOU you will be begging the fuel gauge to go down, but it just wont. And by the time you’ve finally used all the fuel you will see 400km city or 600km highway, which is right on par for a stock sr.

economy can be improved to 30+mpg by significantly lightening the car and doing some more aggressive tuning in cruise mode and using an ultra lean idle, but its all pointless crap going fast is more fun

just forget fuel economy, one day gas will run out and you’ll regret not ripping it when you had the chance

Well like Sasha said… IF you drive like a pussy you should be able to 400km city EASILY!

I’m normally easy on my car and if I dont boost the shit out of it then I can easily get 500-600km a tank based on a mix of city/highway driving. IF I do boost the shit out of it however then Im lucky to get 300km a tank.

Check your O2, Check for boost leaks as Sasha suggested. Dirty air filter wouldnt help things.

Also as Sasha suggested, you can try to fill up the tank and drive like a pussy. But you may also want to do an oil change, swap out the plugs etc and then try it and see if the milage improves.

Best of luck to ya thou :wink:

check ure timing, clean the air filter, and get new spark plugs aswell…
vacuum leaks can also cause bad MPG #'s…

good luck