por- 15

so has anyone ever used this stuff? it’s supposed to work really well. i just wanna know who has used and what they thought about it.

ur welcome

i’ve been there… i’m asking for peoples personal opinions… or if anyone has ever used it

yes it works very well, worth the money. i’ve used it and its saved quite a few things from getting worse. I recomend it, as well as cor-dev but that’s industrial.

does it actually stop the rust like it claims to?

yes, it does. with the proper cleaning andtresting of the metal, and the coat of por it will most likely never ever rust again, although I have not been able to test this, i will let you know at the end of time weather or not it has rusted.

///\ haha alright

you can paint over this stuff an you not?

por 15 is awesome, i painted most of my frame…mainly the rusty parts of it. i sandblasted where my frame had holes, used poer 15 on that, then i sandpapered the rest of it, wherever there was little surface rust i just lightly sanded it then painted over it…its a super strong hold. Just the test the durability of por 15 i took a nice hammer to it. it didnt even flake at all…well worth the money…i also did my rear wheel wells

…ive honestly never even herd of it

Well thank god you made us all aware of that.

not trying to hijack but,
where can you pic this stuff up?
would not mind slapping some on my front and rear suspension before
the reinstall.


you can get it off the site www.por15.com or i believe, you can order it through napa.

I’ve been thinking about buying this stuff for a while now, and have talked to a couple people that have used it, all with great reviews. this thread just reminded me about it, i’ll most likely order some this weekend.

u actually have to order it from http://www.por15canada.com/...or u can find a napa that sells it…i got mine for $60 for a quart with shipping…

How far does a quart take you?

did most of my engine bay, and most of my frame…but i was being generous with it when i was going it, u can put it on in a couple thin coats and probably make it last longer…i still have quarter of it left

You could always just drive to Grimsby and pick it up depending where you , i got mine from there

heres the address

591 Main Street West, Grimsby, Ontario L3M 1V1

what do they charge for a quart at napa?