Well this is my first tread…I’m pretty pissed at the moment so please ignore my profanity
OK well i was driving down the 400… minding my own business doing the LIMIT… and a fkn opp pulls me over… i didn’t really care since i’m in my civic… and wth could i get a ticket for… cop comes and gives me some bs story how my stickers invalid -______- the sticker says DEC09…The cop goes back and says that “Someone” put the wrong sticker on the car it should be a sticker for March… i explain the situation how this is a winter car and i only renewed the sticker in dec so they gave me the dec sticker (same thing happened w/ the 240 and it says may now instead of march) but anyway this fkn cop dosn’t want to listen and continues to try and argue his point… well i assumed he gives up when he says he’ll be back in a minute… 15mins later… he comes back with a ticket saying “Use validation not furnished for vehicle” and tells me he can pull my plates but hes giving me the ticket…
FKN asses think that they can use that line so ud give up and except ur ticket… and continues to tell me i need to go to MTO NOW to get this straightened out (wtf is the point now that i already have a ticket…) well I was already late for school now i just took the damn ticket and left…
I have always heard about these so called “Nice” cops… but i have yet to meet one… all I have met so far are fkn pigs who just abuse their power to piss u off…
Anyway its an OPP ticket… says nothing about prosecutor or anything… do i have to wait for the trial or can i get this straightened out earlier??
go set a trial date at the court it tells you to reach! the other thing to make it earlier is a first attendence! if you dont like what that person says in the first attendence meeting go to trial still
I know what you saying still but the cop gave you a break by not towing it!
fight it.if the cop was right and the mto f’d up then I dont think youll have to pay the ticket. If i where you I’d call the mto and find out whats going on. Good luck & keep us posted
^ one more thing if you call the mto for answer dont tell them you got a ticket, they might try and cover up their mistake. be sneaky / take names and bring that po po down!
:D:D good plan im going to do that tomorrow… and it dosn’t say how much… this is the first time i got a ticket from OPP the ticket is kinda weird compared to toronto cops… no options or anything just what u did wrong and your court date…
not likely. they always show up these days. i think they get overtime when they do but i am not sure. i know for a fact that york region cops MUST show up for court.
Set a trial date.
You should always challenge almost ANY ticket in court, no matter what its for (usually…). Chances of you winning are quite high sometimes, cause half the time the cops don’t even show up in court.
and not only that, but you do have a reasonable argument for the situation too… so even if he does come, you can try your best to win.
haha actually they almost always show up now… they orgainize court dates to officers so they end up with a full day in court where as before it was inconvient to go for an hour, but i agree fight it
Yeah, that is true that they have the full day schedules, but the solution here is… reset your court date.
And courts are always so backed up so you might not end up getting a trial for 8+ months and get off for free. It took me about 9 or 10 months to get a trial but my officer didn’t even show up so all was good regardless.
Hey wait… I see you’re from Holland Landing. Around Christmas time I went over there to see a friend and we went around to a bunch of places in Newmarket (right beside HL of course). At one store that I can’t remember, I came out to see an S13 hatch (I think white… then again it might have been black) parked close to my S14. Small chance that was you? Haha.
Edit: Never mind, you have a Silvia front end and the car had popups.
first question…is the car under your name???
if so…when is your birthday???
If your birthday is NOT in december than your ARE at fault!! Pay the Man!
the sticker should read your birth month no matter what (as long as its in your name!!)
MTO wouldnt give you a different month just cause you registered late or anything like that… they just discound those months from the rest of the year… up untill your next birthday. (ei. if you registered your plates in june you have 6 months till your birthday… you only pay 6months untill dec)