POS cops...

I feel your pain man they behave like robots with no human understanding… they know its a hassel,now you got to take time off go set a trial date, then take time off again and go to court to fight it.

next time PUNK HIM OFF. do what i do man pull the ticket HARD (like when you pull a piece of paper really fast from under a full glass of water without spilling the water,yeah) out of his hands then drive off while he`s telling you about your options on the back of the ticket just dont chirp your tires:)

cops have been a lot more anal recently, the whole “recession” thing has got everyone the government taaking more where they can.

Just fight the ticket man, no harm in it. There are a few nice cops in Maple believe it or not…you think youve got an a-hole of a cop? just wait…

the ticket is different because there’s no set fine for the offence that the OPP officer charged you with. it’s a summons, which means you have no option but to appear in court.


a) were you born in March?

b) is the car registered in your name?

if the answer to both those questions is yes,

call the MTO right now and ask them why you were issued a sticker for December rather than March

or better yet, go to the same ISSUING OFFICE that you got your sticker from originally and ask them wtf happened

get a letter… something IN WRITING where they explain or admit their mistake. then bring the letter with you to court.

do not give up until you get an answer AND something in writing.

(*** this assumes that you were actually issued a Dec sticker and not that you mixed it up yourself with someone else’s sticker. in which case it would be entirely your fault)

Good info Mikey!

100% correct, if the car is in your name the sticker should be your birth month no matter what, so the MTO messed up.
In my experience with 6 different cars and different times of the year the MTO has never given me a sticker for any month other than my birth month (which happens to be March). Even when i got a new car in November they gave me the option to get a sticker for March 2010 or a sticker for March 2009 at a discounted rate.

Maple\Vaughan ftw! :wink:
definitely fight it, you’ll win man.

I’m not used to doing quotes so i could only quote u… but both you and spd-dmn are right… it was their fault and i did exactly what spd-dmn said (though i didn’t see his post till now) and i will get a letter they also gave me a new MAR10 sticker for free cause of their screw up… only thing… this is the 2nd time this has happened i guess i should go correct my 240’s sticker as well since it says may instead of march too before this happens again… because it happened before i assumed thats how things were but what are the chances of MTO making the same mistake twice:/: still didn’t like that cops attitude… but at least i wont have to pay anything… just have to waste time and appear in court -_____-

thanks for all the help everyone :D:D

**RED_LINE do you own a red kouki??? i saw it a few times in maple and always wondered who it was

Nice to hear that it was their mistake! :slight_smile:

If you’re already going to court, you should try to sue them for wasting your time / possible wage loss due to appearing in court.

Although it might end up causing you more money in the end.

I wouldn’t bother with that. IMO just get in, fix the problem, get out. Simplicity is usually the best.